| - The Jedi trials have been an integral tradition within the Jedi Order since its conception on Tython. Before the formation of the High Council and the mainstreaming of the Jedi academy's teachings, the Trials were highly informal, administered by a Padawan's master and known to be quite harsh and sometimes impossible. As time passed, the trials became slightly more lax and saw a dramatic drop in standards during the New Sith Wars. To rectify this, the High Council formalized five tests, following the Ruusan Reformation, that would be given within the Jedi Trials Chamber in the Coruscant Jedi Temple. Deep in the Temple, the specialized chamber was equipped with a state-of-the-art hologram projector capable of producing tangible simulacrums of ancient Jedi and Sith. In addition to the combat
| - The Jedi trials have been an integral tradition within the Jedi Order since its conception on Tython. Before the formation of the High Council and the mainstreaming of the Jedi academy's teachings, the Trials were highly informal, administered by a Padawan's master and known to be quite harsh and sometimes impossible. As time passed, the trials became slightly more lax and saw a dramatic drop in standards during the New Sith Wars. To rectify this, the High Council formalized five tests, following the Ruusan Reformation, that would be given within the Jedi Trials Chamber in the Coruscant Jedi Temple. Deep in the Temple, the specialized chamber was equipped with a state-of-the-art hologram projector capable of producing tangible simulacrums of ancient Jedi and Sith. In addition to the combat aspect of the Trials, the room was designed to test other skills, many of which were created to replicate the uncertainty a Jedi would face in the field. Overseen by the High Council and the current battlemaster, the Trials were over once all tests were completed. If the Padawan was successful in completing the series of challenges, the Master would then prepare their apprentice for the Knighting ceremony. As the scheduled ceremony approached, the Padawan would spend an entire day in deep meditation within the preparation room high in the Tranquility Spire. As the time came to ascend to the Hall of Knighthood, the Padawan would enter the darkened chamber and kneel before the Grand Master of the Order and have their Padawan braid severed. Should the apprentice be unsuccessful in completing the trials, they were permitted to take them again until they passed. Within the text of The Jedi Path, the long dead Chief Librarian Restelly Quist recorded a story she had heard of where several Trials were accomplished at the same time. Apparently, while in the eighth hour of the Trial of Skill, three Padawans partaking in the Trials simultaneously were faced with another trial each. Fighting an endless horde of holographic warriors, one student completed his Trial of Insight and Skill once he realized the warriors were illusions. The second defeated foe after foe while she believed her life to be threatened; thus passing the Trials of Courage and Skill. The third student failed to complete the Trials after being overwhelmed by fatigue. Exceptions were sometimes made in the passing of the trials, but it was rare. In times of turmoil, the trials could be bypassed at the discretion of the High Council if the Padawan had shown great skill, courage, or dedication to the Order. In such cases the apprentice was considered to have passed the trials through their various accomplishments, negating the need for formal testing. Immediately following the re-centralization of the academy on Coruscant, Padawan Johun Othone was made a Knight by Master Valenthyne Farfalla for his courageous service during the New Sith Wars and continued dedication to the Order, even after the death of his Master, Jedi Lord Hoth. In the later days of the Order, both Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker earned the rank of Jedi Knight without participating in formal trials, but rather passed their trials through their actions: Kenobi, through his duel with the Sith Lord Darth Maul, and Skywalker for his heroism during the Clone Wars. Mace Windu referred to Ahsoka Tano's efforts to clear her name as her "Great Trial". When the Order was disbanded in 19 BBY by the Galactic Empire, the Trials came to a halt, lost to memory for several decades as the Galactic Civil War tore the galaxy in half. At the war's end, Yoda, one of the few Jedi to survive the Great Jedi Purge, taught Luke Skywalker the ways of the old Order. While no normal trials were performed, Skywalker knighted himself and founded a new Order. Incorporating what little he knew of the old ways with techniques he found helpful, Skywalker's inaugural class was required to tour in the ruins of the Massassi temples of Yavin 4, to demonstrate correct usage of Force powers in order to overcome obstacles, as well as to show off combat techniques with training remotes and Jedi training droids. They were also given missions to complete with their Master and on their own. During the vicious Yuuzhan Vong War, Knights were able to forgo any formal trials because of their great achievements during the war. The survivors of the Mission to Myrkr, who were dubbed Jedi Knights in a formal ceremony, are an example of this. As time passed and the Order was able to rebuild off of recovered holocrons, the New Order was able to once more hold formal trials.