| - Bart the General is the fifth episode of The Simpsons' first season. It first aired on February 4, 1990.
- Bart the General, (llamado El general Bart en Hispanoamérica y Bart, el general en España), es el quinto episodio de la primera temporada de la serie animada Los Simpson, emitido originalmente el 4 de febrero de 1990. El episodio fue escrito por John Swartzwelder y dirigido por David Silverman. En el DVD Los Simpson: La Primera Temporada Completa el episodio esta dividido en seis partes:
- Bart the General is a series of animated short films made by one GHXYK 2, a member of the group known as "Famicon", and is based very, very loosely upon The Simpsons. It is also a complete and utter Mind Screw, the sort of stuff that would make David Lynch piss his pants. With an animation style that looks like it was drawn in Kid-Pix or MS Paint, and a narrative that cannot remain on one subject for any amount of time, the series is extremely surreal and frightening. The series comes in four parts with an apparent fifth, as the fourth ends with a TBC screen.
| - Bart the General, (llamado El general Bart en Hispanoamérica y Bart, el general en España), es el quinto episodio de la primera temporada de la serie animada Los Simpson, emitido originalmente el 4 de febrero de 1990. El episodio fue escrito por John Swartzwelder y dirigido por David Silverman. En el DVD Los Simpson: La Primera Temporada Completa el episodio esta dividido en seis partes: 1.
* Título principal 2.
* "¡Nelson, estás sangrando" 3.
* "No hay nada de malo en golpear a alguien por la espalda" 4.
* "Necesito consejo, abuelo" 5.
* "Comiencen el bombardeo" 6.
* Créditos finales
- Bart the General is the fifth episode of The Simpsons' first season. It first aired on February 4, 1990.
- Bart the General is a series of animated short films made by one GHXYK 2, a member of the group known as "Famicon", and is based very, very loosely upon The Simpsons. It is also a complete and utter Mind Screw, the sort of stuff that would make David Lynch piss his pants. With an animation style that looks like it was drawn in Kid-Pix or MS Paint, and a narrative that cannot remain on one subject for any amount of time, the series is extremely surreal and frightening. The series comes in four parts with an apparent fifth, as the fourth ends with a TBC screen. Although the series is extremely hard to follow, the plot can best be summed up as this: Homer/Omarn Simpson is living a peaceful life in the quiet suburb of Duckburg, when one day a usurper named Toadfish, wearing an orange bowling shirt and sporting a New Zealand accent, arrives and kicks Omarn out on the street, taking Marge as his bride. Omarn is inconsolable, and spends most of his time either drinking away his sadness or hiding out at a safehouse owned by Ned Flanders. Meanwhile, the everyday events of Duckburg go on, with hilarious hijinks going on all the while, like Bart/Burton deciding to buy a Formula One racer, or a spiky haired guy falling down a well and getting trapped there with House. The narrative, at times, seems as though it is attempting to tell a straightforward story, but just when you think it's finally going to stick to one idea, some new strange event comes along and everyone's forgotten about the previous occurrences. Overall, the series is a strange one that definitely deserves a look. If you want to risk killing some brain cells, the videos are available here, on GHXYK 2's old website: Not to be confused with The Simpsons season one episode of the same name.
* Always a Bigger Fish: Stonefish
* Anger Born of Worry: Barton tells Omarn not to “ever scare (him) like that again” in episode 4 after getting home and hearing what sounds like Omarn planning a murder-suicide for his family
* Animation Bump: The fourth episode is noticeably better animated than the others, in addition to actually bordering on making some sense.
* Awesome but Impractical: Bart's Formula One racer apparently rusts if left in the rain.
* BLAM Episode: The third one.
* The Cameo: R. Kelly appears once while having sex with Marge.
* Couldn't Find a Pen: The purple jaguars chop a woman's head off and write "SEX TAPE" on the wall in her blood, using her head's bloody stump as a marker.
* Crossover: With House MD, and Toadfish and Stonefish.
* Disproportionate Retribution: Toadfish seeks to ruin Omarn’s life just for getting on his bad side by asking who he is.
* Dropped A Bridge On Her: Lisa is killed off at the beginning of the first episode and is barely ever mentioned again.
* Easily Forgiven: Marge, by Omarn, although he asks her whether she knows what it's like to be alone.
* Evil Is Petty: The purple jaguar leader wants to kill Barton for having a Formula One racer while they have no hot water for showers, and one threatens to kill Barton to avoid paying for “In The Shower”.
* Game Show / Show Within a Show. Part 3 has a scratching competition that Barton and Omarn watch.
* Gross Up Close-Up: Every time we see a character up close.
* Heroic BSOD: Omarn for most of the series.
* Incredibly Lame Pun: The van guy's story; a woman's brother names her children "Denise" and "De'nephew"
* In Name Only: This is barely a The Simpsons fan film series. The first episode has a lot of resemblence, but after that it isn't even in name, as Homer and Bart get random name changes. First off, they removed almost everyone in the original Simpsons cast, killed off some of the characters that where in, derailed Bart into an Emo Teen, added strange OCs and crossovers, had the third episode be a total Mind Screw, and changed the remaining character's designs. They don't even call it a Simpsons fan fic; they just say it's Bart based cartoons on their original site.
* Off-Model: From a distance, some of the characters (especially Omarn) resemble the characters they're based on. However, in close-ups, they look incredibly hideous. Omarn and Barton look like shriveled up goblins in close-ups in the second episode, and in the fourth, Omarn looks like a normal bald man without any facial hair. For whatever reason, House wears clown makeup, and Stonefish resembles an enormous mass of body fat and pus-filled warts. Mr. Burns appears to be really obese in the second episode.
* Oh Crap: Stonefish in Part IV when Toadfish chases him down for an unspecified reason.
* Really Gets Around: Marge has sex with Toadfish, R. Kelly and an unnamed woman, and ultimately gets back together with Omarn.
* Red Eyes, Take Warning: Stonefish
* Spiritual Successor: Snospis Eht and Hommer Simpson.
* Spotlight-Stealing Squad: The focus is largely on Barton through most of Episode 3. It would count as a A Day in the Limelight, but it's longer than all the others combined.
* Stupid Statement Dance Mix: The opening is set to Omarn repeatedly yelling "D'OH!"
* Suddenly Sexuality: Marge is mentioned to be a lesbian (or at least bisexual) in this story.
* Surreal Humour
* There Was a Door: The purple jaguars in robes blow a hole in Barton's house with a rocket-propelled grenade.
* Time Skip: This fan fic seems to take place after the time of The Simpsons. Bart/Berton appears to be older, and this is somewhat pointed out from a comment by Mr. Burns: "Berton is more like a man now!"
* Throw It In: A doorbell is heard ringing in the background as Bart is describing what to do with a mirror and a sponge early in Part III, presumably background noise while the author was recording his line.
* The Unintelligible: "House." The guy doing his voice has a terrible microphone, and so it's pretty much impossible to figure out what he's saying.
* Same with the unnamed kid he's with, the only thing he says clearly is his apparent Verbal Tic, "Well, well, well".
* Vocal Evolution: Sort of. Barton's voice goes from somebody doing a poor imitation of Bart Simpson's voice to a borderline Machine Monotone. And by the fourth episode, his voice has reverted to being a poor imitation of Bart Simpson's voice.
* Omarn's voice goes from sounding like an unintelligible, blubbering idiot to a decent impersonation of early-Simpsons Homer's voice by episode 4.
* What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made on Drugs?