| - The man who calls himself Bors is at a gathering of summoned Darkfriend, assembled as though it were a social event. There are a hundred Darkfriends in attendence. They are all masked, but Bors is able to identify an Illianer noblewoman wearing a low cut scarlet dress and golden slippers; a Domani woman wearing a golden bracelet identifying her House; a Shienaran soldier; a Tinker wearing green pants and a yellow coat; a High Lord of Tear; an Andoran Queen's Guard; a Sea Folk man; two Aes Sedai; and people from Kandor, Cairhien, Saldaea, and Ghealdan. Bors is completely disguised so no one can identify him, even taking care to hide his height and build with a slouch.
| - The man who calls himself Bors is at a gathering of summoned Darkfriend, assembled as though it were a social event. There are a hundred Darkfriends in attendence. They are all masked, but Bors is able to identify an Illianer noblewoman wearing a low cut scarlet dress and golden slippers; a Domani woman wearing a golden bracelet identifying her House; a Shienaran soldier; a Tinker wearing green pants and a yellow coat; a High Lord of Tear; an Andoran Queen's Guard; a Sea Folk man; two Aes Sedai; and people from Kandor, Cairhien, Saldaea, and Ghealdan. Bors is completely disguised so no one can identify him, even taking care to hide his height and build with a slouch. The door opens and two Trollocs and a Myrddraal enter. The Myrddraal announces to the Darkfriends that their master comes. A red-masked man identifying himself as Ba'alzamon enters; he tells them that the room where they are gathered is near Shayol Ghul. Bors wonders if he really is the Dark One or if one of the Forsaken has been set free. Ba'alzamon forms images of Rand al'Thor, Mat Cauthon, and Perrin Aybara and tells the Darkfriends that one of them is the Dragon Reborn. The Shienaran asks if they are to be killed, but Ba'alzamon says it would be better if the Dragon were turned to serve him. He gives orders to each of the Darkfriends individually. He commands Bors to return to Tarabon and keep up his good work there. He is to keep a lookout for the three ta'veren, but also to keep quiet about those who have landed on Toman Head. He then sees images of the Shayol Ghul sky, a young woman dressed in white, a raven, a Seanchan soldier, the Horn of Valere, and a wolf. Escorted by a Zomara, Bors nervously returns to his room and hastily dons his normal clothes; wondering if the promise of immortality was worth a meeting such as this. His garments are that of a Whitecloak Questioner.