| - "Sorry sir, your warranty has run out! What do we have for him, Jim?" An explorer, comedian, and loyal friend to those he likes, and a dire enemy to those who garnish his hatred. On the field his skills to repair fallen comrades as well as keep an eye out for the enemy is as invaluable as the next. In times of peace he is usually more quiet than the others, sitting down to read a book, or stare at the stars rather than start a wild party or begin a bout of win loose or draw... Though the idea of a party will still come up from time to time. He is, for the most part, merely a scout, keeping a laser pistol at his side, as his "Life Insurance Policy" as he calls it, and has worked on his fist fighting skills to accompany this. Through a bit of work on his own design and some help from others
| - "Sorry sir, your warranty has run out! What do we have for him, Jim?" An explorer, comedian, and loyal friend to those he likes, and a dire enemy to those who garnish his hatred. On the field his skills to repair fallen comrades as well as keep an eye out for the enemy is as invaluable as the next. In times of peace he is usually more quiet than the others, sitting down to read a book, or stare at the stars rather than start a wild party or begin a bout of win loose or draw... Though the idea of a party will still come up from time to time. He is, for the most part, merely a scout, keeping a laser pistol at his side, as his "Life Insurance Policy" as he calls it, and has worked on his fist fighting skills to accompany this. Through a bit of work on his own design and some help from others, he has developed a sort of battering ram, with catch arms as well in his bike form, making him a formidable opponent in both modes, for bashing his enemies down or by firing blaster bolts to knock off a hand, or whatever other limb comes in visual range But his experience with jury-rigging have enabled him the capabilities to work as a minor field medic as well, putting his allies' limbs back on, or using a camera lens to replace someones optic.