| - Anakin Skywalker was a Force-sensitive Human male who served the Jedi Order as a Jedi Knight throughout the Clone Wars. Born to the slave Shmi Skywalker in 12 BrS, Skywalker was conceived by midi-chlorians, the symbiotic organisms that allowed individuals to touch the Force, and he and his mother were brought to the desert planet of Tatooine to be the slaves of Gardulla the Hutt. They soon ended up as the property of the Toydarian Watto, and Skywalker exhibited exceptional piloting skills and a reputation for being able to build and repair anything even at a young age. In Year 3, Skywalker encountered the Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn and Padmé Naberrie, and he helped them secure the parts they needed for their starship by winning the Boonta Eve Classic podracing event—only to learn that he had also w
| - Anakin Skywalker was a Force-sensitive Human male who served the Jedi Order as a Jedi Knight throughout the Clone Wars. Born to the slave Shmi Skywalker in 12 BrS, Skywalker was conceived by midi-chlorians, the symbiotic organisms that allowed individuals to touch the Force, and he and his mother were brought to the desert planet of Tatooine to be the slaves of Gardulla the Hutt. They soon ended up as the property of the Toydarian Watto, and Skywalker exhibited exceptional piloting skills and a reputation for being able to build and repair anything even at a young age. In Year 3, Skywalker encountered the Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn and Padmé Naberrie, and he helped them secure the parts they needed for their starship by winning the Boonta Eve Classic podracing event—only to learn that he had also won his freedom in doing so. Reluctantly leaving his mother behind, Skywalker accompanied Jinn and his group to the Republic's capital of Coruscant and participated in the Battle of Naboo, helping to free Naberrie's homeworld from the armies of the Trade Federation. Despite the Jedi High Council's refusal to sanction the boy's training, Master Jinn took him on as his student and he served alongside recently knighted Obi-Wan Kenobi during the first years of the fighting of the Separatist Crisis. When Master Jin was killed during the first battle of the Clone Wars in Year 7, Kenobi followed Jinn's wishes and took on Skywalker as his Padawan and trained him in the ways of the Force. While some in the Jedi Order continued to be uneasy regarding Skywalker's age, much of the High Council secretly believed that Skywalker was the Chosen One of Jedi prophecy: one who would bring balance to the Force by destroying the Sith. Skywalker and Kenobi traveled together on missions extensively during the first years of the war, seeing Skywalker's piloting skills increase as well as his notoriety as a principled, yet adventurous young Jedi. Skywalker was reunited with Senator Naberrie when he was assigned to protect her from assassination. The two grew close during the course of the assignment, though they were caught up in the political turmoil of a galaxy at war. Losing an arm during the fighting, Skywalker received a cybernetic replacement, and he and Naberrie were secretly married in Year 13 despite the Jedi Code's restrictions on attachments. During the Clone Wars, which raged for the next three years, Skywalker was granted the rank of Jedi Knight and became known to the public as the "Hero with No Fear." Taking on the Togruta Ahsoka Tano as his apprentice, Skywalker fought alongside Kenobi and his fellow Jedi in scores of battles, and his friendship with Supreme Chancellor Palpatine deepened despite the Jedi Order's wariness of Palpatine's rapid acquisition of further powers during the Clone Wars. Throughout the Clone Wars, Skywalker's anger and sense of loss pushed him ever closer to the dark side of the Force, and his visions of Naberrie dying in childbirth in Year 16 made him desperate to find a way to save his wife. Palpatine, who was in fact the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, manipulated Skywalker into believing that the answers to his fears were being horded by the Jedi Council, who was conspiring to hold him back for fear of his power. Upon revealing himself as the Sith Lord, Skywalker betrayed the Order by attacking Jedi Master Mace Windu but was unable to prevent Windu from killing the Sith Lord and arresting the wayward Knight. Placed within the custody of the Barsen'thor Coleman Kcaj, Skywalker was nursed back to health and rehabilitated within the Jedi Temple while the rest of the Order helped orchestrate the clean-up operations that signaled the end of the war. As the Order moved its headquarters to Ossus, Skywalker remained isolated as he meditated on his mistakes and suffered the forced separation from his wife and newborn children in private. After two years of intensive self-reflection and contemplation, Skywalker emerged from his private chambers on Coruscant to thrive again as a Jedi Knight. Making amends with the High Council and his former Master, Skywalker enjoyed his celebrity status within the Order as most remained ignorant to his descent to the dark side and his consequent rehabilitation. When Grand Master Tomac Moorcé announced his campaign against slavery, Skywalker eagerly joined the ranks of Jedi volunteering to assist in the dismantling of the Hutt Empire. Participating in the opening salvo on Tatooine, Skywalker helped lead the raid on the palace of Jabba the Hutt and route the slavers hiding there. Skywalker would go on to serve in the Hutt Offensive, the Golem Wars and serve as an invaluable resource during the Order's quest for Balance within the Force.