Worf, Dax and Kor search for the legendary Sword of Kahless, but must face Toral of the House of Duras, as well as Worf and Kor's ambitions over the Sword.
Alvanian grot luiaard; bat'leth; grotrat; Degebian berggeit; Hur'q; Kahless de Onvergetelijke; Letheans; Pakleds; serpent van Xol; Toorts van G'boj; Yridian brandewijn; Zwaard van Kahless.
Worf, Dax and Kor search for the legendary Sword of Kahless, but must face Toral of the House of Duras, as well as Worf and Kor's ambitions over the Sword.
Alvanian grot luiaard; bat'leth; grotrat; Degebian berggeit; Hur'q; Kahless de Onvergetelijke; Letheans; Pakleds; serpent van Xol; Toorts van G'boj; Yridian brandewijn; Zwaard van Kahless.
Worf, Dax and Kor search for the legendary Sword of Kahless, but must face Toral of the House of Duras, as well as Worf and Kor's ambitions over the Sword.