| - The most extreme case of GSD on record ever to survive. He is a twelve foot long cross of insect, mollusk, and squid. He has an uncanny resemblance to dread Cthulhu. Reputedly, this change was caused by an encounter with a very dangerous entity. Fubar has gills and cannot live out of water. He lives in a tank underneath Hawthorne, and has for the past twenty years. He needs ultra-pure water; the filters on his tank have to be changed regularly. If they aren't, he creates an amazing amount of mucus; cleaning his filters (and getting slimed in the process) is one of the standard punishments for students who are given detention in Hawthorne. He uses a mental construct (sometimes described as an astral construct or other terms) to communicate with people. His range is far enough to reach Berlin, where he maintains a small office. His appearance is whatever he wants it to be. Which is handy at Faction Three meetings. He's reputed to be the most powerful psychic on the planet. He may or may not be limited to the normal descriptions of a PDP. He seems to have learned a considerable amount of magic somewhere along the way, although clearly he can't use rituals, or symbols. Perhaps not surprisingly, he doesn't see any real distinction between PSI and magic. He's also super-intelligent, and has a Grandmaster's chess rating of 2799 (just below perfect). He's not perfect. Jimmy T's psychic null gives him a major headache, worse than trying to penetrate Mule's defenses. Otherwise, his major limit is that he can only be in one place at a time. He gives psychic counseling to both Phase and Eldritch. His official power classification is EX-4, PDP (ESP-4/PSI-6/PK-7), Manifestor-?
- Fubar is a terminology used during World War II to describe a mission that had been severely messed up or an event that was complete chaos. A mission that is coined this usually had a terrible outcome that led to many being killed. Some people and soldiers even still use today, usually War veterans.