Plure Barron was a female Neimoidian Trade Federation commander and administrator of the mining colony on the mineral-rich Krantian moon of Aereen. She was killed during the Clone Wars during the battle led by Echuu Shen-Jon.
Plure Barron era una hembra neimoidiano comandante de la Federacion de Comercio y administradora de la colonia minera rica en minerales en la luna de Krantian en Aereen. Ella murió durante las Guerras Clon durante la batalla liderada por Echuu Shen-Jon
Plure Barron was a female Neimoidian Trade Federation commander and administrator of the mining colony on the mineral-rich Krantian moon of Aereen. She was killed during the Clone Wars during the battle led by Echuu Shen-Jon.
Plure Barron era una hembra neimoidiano comandante de la Federacion de Comercio y administradora de la colonia minera rica en minerales en la luna de Krantian en Aereen. Ella murió durante las Guerras Clon durante la batalla liderada por Echuu Shen-Jon
Plure Barron was a female Neimoidian Trade Federation commander and administrator of the mining colony on the mineral-rich Krantian moon of Aereen. She was killed during the Clone Wars during the battle led by Echuu Shen-Jon.