| - Q'raan Endvarel was a Kuati-born diplomat of the Caspian Democratic Union. Q'raan was drawn to diplomacy and interstellar law, and was hired as an aide during the administration of Lyr Dunwell. He was part of the team that would establish Caspia's presence on GDIStar, as well as develop and strengthen the relationship between Caspia and the two new consignees to the Commonwealth, Rauther and Kasputin Yar. The latter was significant for Q'raan since he had formed a friendship with a Yari named Saheelindeel during a visit to the neighboring star system. This prompted him to learn the Yarie language and he became a foremost diplomat and agent for matters concerning the Yariz system. Beginning with 7 ABY, Q'raan had become a senior member of the Department of Diplomacy and Foreign Affairs staff and had been one of Presav Avalyshaar Dusten's best diplomats when it came to dealing with alien representatives. During the Rodo administration, though, his services were frequently under-utilized or ignored in favor of concentrating on Caspian domestic issues. When the Yavin Plague struck, Q'raan oversaw as many humanitarian endeavours as he could before he, too, succumbed to illness from the disease. He was very sick, and languished in the Tarquin Medical Center. His old friend, Saheelindeel the Yari, heard of his condition and efforts were undertaken to retrieve Endvarel and bring him to Kasputin Yar where, for a reason unknown at the time, the disease had not taken hold. At Kasputin, the Yaries housed him in an enclave in the upper reaches of the Rofalssa Stalks — one of the few Humans in the history of Kasputin Yar to spend an extended period of time in the usually unreachable sections of the mysterious planet. Q'raan made a full recovery, with a few medical professionals attributing it to the particular atmosphere of Kasputin Yar. After returning to Caspar, Q'raan was on hand to see Avalyshaar Dusten re-elected Presav. Soon after being inaugurated, Dusten would nominate Q'raan to the position of Director of the DDFA. At some time around 10 ABY, Q'raan departed Caspia to return back to Kuat, but has not been heard from since.