| - According to Coach Orion, the varsity team is good but incredibly arrogant, due to consecutive wins year after year and because some of them have ties to important members on the board of trustees. You thought the Hawks from the pee wee hockey league and Iceland from the Jr. Goodwill Games were bad, these guys made them look like wimps. Like most of the opponents the Ducks faced, varsity is composed of an all-male line-up with upperclassmen who are bigger, taller, and tougher. Ironically, some of their players embody the stereotype of a brain-dumb jock whose brute actions and bigger body make-up what they lack in intelligence. The latter feature allows the Ducks to play off the stupidity of some of the players in their pranks, like when Charlie brought in horse feces as "homemade brownies"
| - According to Coach Orion, the varsity team is good but incredibly arrogant, due to consecutive wins year after year and because some of them have ties to important members on the board of trustees. You thought the Hawks from the pee wee hockey league and Iceland from the Jr. Goodwill Games were bad, these guys made them look like wimps. Like most of the opponents the Ducks faced, varsity is composed of an all-male line-up with upperclassmen who are bigger, taller, and tougher. Ironically, some of their players embody the stereotype of a brain-dumb jock whose brute actions and bigger body make-up what they lack in intelligence. The latter feature allows the Ducks to play off the stupidity of some of the players in their pranks, like when Charlie brought in horse feces as "homemade brownies" to pay back varsity for stealing Ken's lunch every day. Some members like Scooter and Rick, however display some form of intellect compared to the stereotype members on their team. Ricky Riley is the team captain and main antagonist of Varsity warriors and his second command and his enforcer Cole. Most of them seem to come from money and/or have ties to members of the trustees, to which they abuse constantly to flaunt dominance over the school. Varsity is doing whatever it takes to get them out of their school, the board was about to revoke their scholarships. Until Bombay's testimony reinstating their scholarships. This time to get rid of them for good, is to settle this in JV and Varsity showdown. If Varsity wins, the ducks will leave Eden Hall Academy, if the Ducks win they change logo and mascot and have control of Eden Hall Academy. Varsity lost to the Ducks in the game, Eden Halls mascot to warriors to Mighty Ducks as the new Eden Hall Mascot and their control of Eden Hall. Varsity exits the ice in defeat and humiliation.