| - Illithids, also known as mind flayers, are monsters with the ability to drain intelligence. Some are found in the Athkatla sewers in the Mind Flayer's Lair, in the mind flayer dungeon in the Underdark, Watcher's Keep, as well as in Sendai's Enclave. There are some offshoots, including the highly magic-resistant and spell-casting ulitharids and vampiric illithids. Umber Hulks are often found with mind flayers.
- Also known as mind flayers, illithids are the most feared of all the aberrant races, feeding on the living brains of iltelligent creatures.
- Mind Flayers, also known as Octopus Men, are in Demon's Souls.
- Race: aberration Alignment: lawful evil Armor class: 15 Hit points: 44 Attack bonus: +10/+5 Damage: 2d4+3 slashing damage (creature weapon) Hit dice (level): 8 Challenge rating: 9 Size: medium Spell resistance: 24 Trained skills:(‡) concentration (13), listen (22), move silently (9), spot (22) Feats: alertness, combat casting, darkvision, dodge, weapon finesse, weapon proficiency (creature)
- Illithids have four octopus-like tentacles around a beaked or lamprey-like mouth, and require the brains of sentient creatures as part of their diet. An illithid who snares a living creature in all four of its tentacles can extract and devour its living brain. One of the most feared powers is the dreaded Mind Blast, where the illithid emits a cone-shaped psionic shockwave to incapacitate any creature with its mind for a short amount of time. Illithids also have other psionic powers, generally telepathic in nature, although their exact effects have varied over editions. Other powers include a defensive psionic shield and powers of psionic domination for controlling the minds of others.
- Mind flayers and master mind flayers are especially perilous monsters, capable of eating your brain, resulting in feeling stupid, becoming forgetful, or perishing as your last thoughts fade away. Wearing a helmet, preferably greased, can sometimes protect you against the brain-eating attack. If you die from intelligence drain while polymorphed, you will permanently die instead of reverting to your normal form. If you manage to eat a mind flayer corpse, you gain either telepathy or 1 intelligence point, with a 50% chance of each.
- thumb|301pxI Mind Flayer, o Illithid, sono una razza che, assieme ai Duergar e i Drow si contende il dominio del Sottosuolo. Gli Illithid sono una razza completamente aliena, le cui origini sono sconosciute, che dominano un Impero di schiavi, assoggettati dai loro terribili poteri psionici. I Mind Flayer sono crudeli, astuti e malvagi, temuti da ogni razza per le loro straordinarie capacità: in grado di comunicare telepaticamente, leggere nel pensiero, volare, andare su Piani Esterni senza difficoltà. Ma sopratutto per i loro potenti Poteri Psionici, in grado di piegare perfino la più pericolosa creatura del Buio Profondo. Si cibano di cervelli umanoidi, e spesso vengono anche chiamati "Succhiacervelli" o "Scorticatori Mentali": le loro capacità e la loro dieta inquietante li rendono sgrad
- Illithids are characterized by their exceptional height, purplish skin, facial tentacles surrounding a toothy maw, and levitation ability, which is often used for movement. Each illithid community is connected by a central intelligence, known as an elder brain, that telepathically projects its desires to the illithids within several miles. Mind flayers are suspicious of the arcane, and practice of such can lead to expulsion from their society. They are considered evil. Illithids that have been banished from their colony seem to go insane and long to return to their hive.
- An illithid, also called a mind flayer, was an evil and sadistic being, humanoid in appearance, but with a four-tentacled octopus-like head. These beings were feared throughout the Underdark for their telepathic abilities and usually were not without two or more slaves, mentally bound to each individual mind flayer. Although they cooperated to achieve a goal, they would back away at the first sign that something was not profitable to themselves. They were capable of speaking Undercommon, but preferred telepathic communication and would attempt to mentally dominate any non-slave, non-illithid they met. They fed on the brains of sentient creatures and were thus feared. Their natural psionic abilities also made them respected in the eyes of the drow, beholders, duergar, and the other dominant