| - The Citadel Council Committee for the Common Defense (COMDEF) was a military headquarters formation subordinated to the triumvirs of the Citadel Council. Assigned strategic command and control of the Citadel Fleet, the Committee for the Common Defense oversees at the strategic level all peacekeeping and military operations conducted by military forces of the Citadel Council throughout all Citadel space. Within the expanses of Citadel space, the Committee for the Common Defense directly commands the galaxy's largest military power and peacekeeping force, and is entrusted with maintaining galactic security; deterring aggression between the various divided species inhabiting the galaxy; and lastly, providing for the common defense of the galaxy against external attack. For three thousand years (since 500 BCE), the Committee for the Common Defense has maintained the stability of the entire galaxy—it has overcome the aggression of the rachni, destroyed the krogan threat, and continually protected Council space from batarian insurgencies. A peerless military power with no equal, the Committee for the Common Defense and its successful aversion of dozens of major wars are regarded as the greatest achievement of the Citadel Council. In the popular media colloquial, it is often referred to in brief as "COMDEF" (a contraction of Common Defense); in military parlance it is referred to as the Unified Headquarters, Citadel Council Joint Forces Command (JOINTFORCOM). __TOC__