| - Surgery is a Technique of the Role Healer in SLASH'EM. It has the following effects:
* If Slimed or sick Message: Using your scalpel (ow!) you cure your infection. Effect: The slime/sickness is removed, and your HP is reduced by 5 (set to 1 if HP < 5).
* If HP < Max HP Message: You bandage your wounds as best you can. Effect: HP increased by TECHLEVEL +rn1(5,5)
* If HP < Max HP and you have a Medical kit Message: Using your medical kit you bandage your wounds. Effect: HP increased by TECHLEVEL*(rnd(2)+1)+rn1(5,5).
* If HP = Max HP Message: You don't need your healing powers.
* If Stun, Conf, or Hallu Message: You are in no condition to perform surgery.
- Surgery was a major wing of the Medical Pavilion, located in a separate building connected by glass tunnel. A number of different surgery based businesses operated here, though only two remain unlocked. Jack must travel through here in order to reach Dr. Steinman's Aesthetic Ideals.
- Surgery is an episode of SLL Updates.
- The Surgery(手術室) is a small chamber within the Island. It is where Leon will first encounter a Regenerador.
- Surgery is a common theme on Lost, and has been utilized both on the Island and off. Most of the surgeries seen on the show were conducted by Jack, Juliet, or Christian, three characters who are best known as doctors. Also, most surgeries are used to significantly advance the plot (i.e. Jack holding Ben hostage to allow Kate and Sawyer to escape).
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- Surgery is the most common medical field in the Trauma Center Series, being the main focus of most games except for Trauma Team. In this field, you play as a surgeon and have to save a patient's life by treating wounds on the organ(s).
- Cosmetic surgery was one type used to make one species look like another. (ENT: "Detained", "The Seventh"; TOS: "The Enterprise Incident" ; TNG: "Who Watches The Watchers" ; DS9: "Sons of Mogh"; VOY: "Faces") Exploratory surgery was often used by a doctor to assist in diagnosing a patient, such as by Doctor Julian Bashir when he attempted to determine the cause of the sudden generosity of the Grand Nagus. (DS9: "Prophet Motive")
- Surgery is a game featured in the episode "Patrick! The Game."
- Surgery is a medical specialty that uses operative manual and instrumental techniques on a patient to investigate and/or treat a pathological condition such as disease or injury, to help improve bodily function or appearance, or sometimes for some other reason. An act of performing surgery may be called a surgical procedure, operation, or simply surgery Click to view a list of Surgery Tools and Equipment that are needed or helpful when working in surgery.
- The Surgery is a unique Defense building in Tropico 2: Pirate Cove that emanates a strong sense of anarchy in its area. You need at least one skilled surgeon on the island in order to build this structure, but it can be staffed by unskilled male captives. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- Surgeons have the medical knowledge required to patch-up badly mangled characters. To avoid infection, extensive treatment is better performed outside the adventuring environment, in properly equipped surroundings, free from interruption. The GM may apply whatever modifiers seem appropriate if the surgeon is attempting to operate without proper equipment or facilities. For example, if a character is trying to treat an amputee in a damp, dark, underground cave while a hand-to-hand combat rages around him, the chances of success should be reduced to about 5 or 10%.
- Surgery describes any medical procedure where cutting of the skin is involved, but excludes procedures where only a needle pierces the skin, such as an injection or the extraction of blood. Under the laws of most U.S. states and Canadian provinces, only medical doctors may perform surgery on a patient. Surgical procedures range from the routine, such as lancing an abcess, to the extremely specialized such as open heart surgery. Surgery in and of itself is a recognized medical specialty and requires doctors with extraordinary manual dexterity as well as a knowledge of anatomy. However, House and his team often undertake minor surgical procedures themselves.
- You blink, and you feel a churning in your core. You reach and grasp at your chest, gasping for air. It is too late. A large incision develops on your torso, starting from your heart to your navel. A deranged surgeon from beyond our plane. Your body makes a heaving motion. Out from your cavity emerges a sphere of light. The body ages thirty years in five seconds. Without a body the soul is fragile and cold, like an untended egg. No longer bound to our arbitrary physical laws, the soul seems to simply disappear. They have adopted your consciousness. Credited to Grin