| - Larger than any of the factions headquarters, the Supergun fires radioactive shells larger than an AN Abrams Tank. Capable of firing on targets all the way to Tokyo, Japan and Seoul, South Korea with its 50 foot long barrel, the Supergun is a power to be feared. The Supergun project was headed by Ji An. Three versions of this weapon can be seen in game, two Prototypes, and one true supergun. One Prototype is hidden behind The Black Gate, under the watch of the Jack of Diamonds while the other Prototype and the Supergun itself, are only found on Kirin-Do Island. Both the Type-07 and it's Prototypes are heavily armored, and require a powerful weapon, such as Bunker Buster, Cruise Missile, or a round from another Type-07 to destroy them. The Type-07 proper also has a built in jammer to make calling air-strikes on it impossible, but is conveniently located within range of its prototype.