The Harvesters are a planetary alien race of highly-intelligent and technologically-advanced extraterrestrial beings and the main antagonists in the Independence Day film franchise. The species is a hive-mind race with a threat of universal proportions that seeks to harvest molten cores from planets to further their fuel and technology at the expanse of driving the native population to extinction, since they hate all other organisms.
Attributes | Values |
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| - The Harvesters are a planetary alien race of highly-intelligent and technologically-advanced extraterrestrial beings and the main antagonists in the Independence Day film franchise. The species is a hive-mind race with a threat of universal proportions that seeks to harvest molten cores from planets to further their fuel and technology at the expanse of driving the native population to extinction, since they hate all other organisms.
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type of hostile species
| - Aliens, Destroyers, Superorganisms
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| - Harvest molten cores from planets, locate and destroy the Resistance Military Center.
| - Independence Day franchise
| - Telepathy
- Mind control
- High intelligence
- Military sophistication
- Technical wizardry
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| - Supreme Commanders, Ultimate Commanders, Pilots, Shocktroopers, Soldiers, Colonists, Science Officers, Weapons Experts
| - Aliens, Space-Locusts, "Them"
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| - The Harvesters are a planetary alien race of highly-intelligent and technologically-advanced extraterrestrial beings and the main antagonists in the Independence Day film franchise. The species is a hive-mind race with a threat of universal proportions that seeks to harvest molten cores from planets to further their fuel and technology at the expanse of driving the native population to extinction, since they hate all other organisms. The species was first introduced in Independence Day (1996), and are back for vengeance in Independence Day: Resurgence (2016). They are set to return in the upcoming third film.