| - Several groups of Skale will appear close to the moument and attack your party. The first groups are level 4 progressing to level 14 at the last group:
* Image:Warrior-icon-small.png4 Ridgeback Skale (3 - 2x)
* Image:Elementalist-icon-small.png6 Frigid Skale (3 - 2x)
* Image:Warrior-icon-small.png13 Ridgeback Skale (3)
* Image:Elementalist-icon-small.png14 Frigid Skale (2)
* Image:Necromancer-icon-small.png4 Skale Blighter (2) This quest is of master difficulty and quite difficult to complete for low level characters without assistance. If you are on the quest Queen of the Quarry, here's a trick. You will be assisted by Captain Vander, a level 10 warrior, and two other Sunspears, one level 10 ranger, and one level 10 paragon, for that quest. Make use of them to easily complete this quest without the assistance of high level players. Another easy way to do this quest is, if you have the primary quest Leaving a Legacy active, you can talk to Hamar, in the Cliffs of Dohjok. After you talk to him a group of five level 10 warriors will join you, as well as the level 6 Dunkoro NPC who accompanies you from the start. This makes the quest incredibly easy to complete even with a four-person party. Even better, wait until you have completed the Jokanur Diggings mission so you get access to Beknur Harbor, then come back with an extra four level 12 henchmen to take the heat. Using the hero / henchmen command flags, place them just downhill from where you start the quest. Highly recommended if you are an aspiring survivor: it is easy to get overrun even for a middle level character in a strong group in this quest. Alternatively, this quest is quite easy to do if you flag your henchmen a bit away from the monument and go with them, so as to completely avoid aggro of the spawning skale. When two groups spawn and collect in the same area, look through the skale to target the highest level and attack with your henchmen, making sure to target the next high-leveled skale in the group before any others. When you kill one wave, quickly flag and run back to where you were before the first wave, and repeat.