| - The Age of Kings was a time when ancestors of the Mokolé known as the Lizard Kings ruled over the Earth. No Mokolé remembers clearly, but all have some glimpses on this time through the Dragon's Dream and the use of Mnesis.
- The Age of Kings is a historical time period in the history of Keldagrim, the dwarven capital. Keldagrim was originally ruled by the Elders of Keldagrim, but the monarchy was established soon after. The length of the Age of Kings is unknown, although it is believed to have lasted for over a thousand years. During this time, the dwarves were ruled by a monarchy, who held absolute power. This time is often regarded by the dwarves as a dark age, although the exact reason for this is unknown. Proposed theories include the difficulties the dwarves were encountering caused by their isolation, the aftershock of the God Wars, or the possible unjust rule of the monarchy.
- Age of Kings (Wiek Królów) jest to historyczny okres w historii Keldagrim, stolicy krasnoludów. Początkowo Keldagrim było rządzone przez Starców Keldagrim, lecz niedługo później została wprowadzona monarchia.
- The Mid-19th century was a time of major expansion and upheaval upon the nations of the world. The United States pushed its power to the coast under the call of manifest destiny only to fall to civil war shortly after. The balance of power in Europe constantly shifted as nationalism began to take affect and demanded a new order. Asian and African powers struggled to resist European encroachment on their independence. Throughout the Western world the ideologies of liberal republicanism and conservative monarchism battled to be the dominant form of governance.
| - The Age of Kings was a time when ancestors of the Mokolé known as the Lizard Kings ruled over the Earth. No Mokolé remembers clearly, but all have some glimpses on this time through the Dragon's Dream and the use of Mnesis.
- The Age of Kings is a historical time period in the history of Keldagrim, the dwarven capital. Keldagrim was originally ruled by the Elders of Keldagrim, but the monarchy was established soon after. The length of the Age of Kings is unknown, although it is believed to have lasted for over a thousand years. During this time, the dwarves were ruled by a monarchy, who held absolute power. This time is often regarded by the dwarves as a dark age, although the exact reason for this is unknown. Proposed theories include the difficulties the dwarves were encountering caused by their isolation, the aftershock of the God Wars, or the possible unjust rule of the monarchy. The Age of Kings ended roughly 500 years ago, during the latter part of the Fourth Age. When King Alvis passed away, The Mining Consortium, which had rapidly ascended to power and wealth beyond even the kingship, took over leadership of the city, choosing an eight-rule government. It was at this time that the Age of Kings ended, and the Rise of the Consortium began. The Golden Age of the Dwarves would soon follow.
- Age of Kings (Wiek Królów) jest to historyczny okres w historii Keldagrim, stolicy krasnoludów. Początkowo Keldagrim było rządzone przez Starców Keldagrim, lecz niedługo później została wprowadzona monarchia. Okres trwania Wieku Królów nie jest znany, ale przypuszcza się, że trwał ponad tysiąc lat. W tym czasie, Keldagrim było rządzone przez króla, sprawującego władzę absolutną. Ten okres jest często wspominany przez krasnoludów jako ciemny wiek, aczkolwiek dokładne tego powody nie są znane. Przypuszczalne teorie to: trudności krasnoludów spowodowane życiem w izolacji, szok po Wojnie Bogów lub też władza samego króla. Wiek Królów zakończył się około 500 lat temu, pod koniec Czwartego Wieku. Kiedy Król Alvis umarł, Konsorcjum Górnicze, które w dość szybkim czasie zyskało władzę i bogactwo przewyższające samo królestwo, przejęło władzę nad miastem i ustanowiło nowy rząd, składający się z ośmiu członków. Te wydarzenia zakończyły Wiek Królów i zapoczątkowały rozkwit Konsorcjum. Niedługo później nastał Złoty Wiek Krasnoludów.
- The Mid-19th century was a time of major expansion and upheaval upon the nations of the world. The United States pushed its power to the coast under the call of manifest destiny only to fall to civil war shortly after. The balance of power in Europe constantly shifted as nationalism began to take affect and demanded a new order. Asian and African powers struggled to resist European encroachment on their independence. Throughout the Western world the ideologies of liberal republicanism and conservative monarchism battled to be the dominant form of governance. Eventually, republicanism won out and became the standard model to which governments would try to emulate. But this came to pass because of several revolutions and failures within the Western world that swept most monarchies away. What if instead a new model was nurtured and grew instead of being snuffed out? What if liberal constitutional monarchies, now the mainstay of present monarchies, became the standard in Europe and beyond and lasted? What if there remains an Age of Kings?