Karambwan is a food commonly used by player killers to combo eat. To cook a karambwan, the completion of the Tai Bwo Wannai Trio quest and 30 Cooking is required. Although the cooking requirement is low, it is strongly suggested to only cook these at higher levels as the burn rate is significantly reduced at above 90 Cooking.
Assuming current market prices at a price difference between raw and cooked karambwan, which is - coins, and based on how fast and focused the player is, cooking karambwans the normal way could yield an hourly profit upwards of . The three-tick method of cooking karambwans is slightly faster than any other fish, upping the profit by about 33% to an hour at the cost of increased effort. All profits are assuming none burned and will likely be lower due to some burned. All in all, the norm is typically 975 cooked karambwan in an hour.