| - In 2366 werd het Cardassian gevangenentransport Ravinok door de Breen aangevallen en gedwongen te landen op Dozaria. De Breen gebruikte de overlevenden als slaven in een nabijgelegen dilithium delvingskamp op de planeet. Dozaria was één van de plaatsen die bezocht kon worden via de Iconian poort op Vandros IV. (DS9: "To the Death")
- Dozaria was an inhabited desert planet, located near the Cardassian Union and the Breen Confederacy. It was the only class M planet in the Dozaria system. In 2366, Cardassian prison transport Ravinok was attacked by Breen warships and forced down on Dozaria. The Breen then used the survivors as laborers in a nearby dilithium mining camp on the planet. Dozaria was one of the places that could be visited through the Iconian gateway on Vandros IV. (DS9: "To the Death")
- In 2366, the Breen attacked the Cardassian transport Ravinok and forced it to crash on the planet's surface. The survivors were forced into a life of slavery and made to work in the dilithium mines. Among those forced to work were Kira Nerys' friend Lorit Akrem and Skrain Dukat's illegitimate daughter Tora Ziyal. Ziyal and the other survivors were rescued in 2372 by Kira and Dukat. (DS9 episode: "Indiscretion") Later that year, Dozaria was one of several places that an Iconian Gateway on Vandros IV that could transport a person to from the Gamma Quadrant. (DS9 episode: "To the Death")
- Dozaria je pouštní planeta, nacházející se v blízkosti území Cardassijské unie a Breenské konfederace, v kvadrantu Alfa. Je to jediná planeta třídy M v soustavě. V roce 2366 havarovala na planetě cardassijská transportní loď Ravinok, která převážela bajorské zajatce. Loď byla napadena Breeny. Ti, kteří přežili, byli Breeny použiti jako pracovníci v místním dilithiovém dole. Dozaria byla jednou z planet, kam vedla ikonijská brána z planety Vandros IV. (DS9: "To the Death")
| - In 2366 werd het Cardassian gevangenentransport Ravinok door de Breen aangevallen en gedwongen te landen op Dozaria. De Breen gebruikte de overlevenden als slaven in een nabijgelegen dilithium delvingskamp op de planeet. In 2372 vertelde haar oude vriend Razka Karn haar dat er wellicht overlevende waren en dat ze nog op Dozaria zouden verblijven. Legate Dukat werd gedwongen om met haar mee te gaan en op het oppervlak vonden ze de wrakstukken van de Ravinok. Naast het wrak bevonden zich enkele graven van bemanningsleden die bij de crash waren omgekomen, waaronder zowel Bajorans als Cardassians. De volgende ochtend vonden ze het gevangenenkamp waar ze Dukat's dochter Tora Ziyal aantroffen. Kira ontdekte dat Lorit Akrem al enkele jaren eerder overleden was. Dozaria was één van de plaatsen die bezocht kon worden via de Iconian poort op Vandros IV. (DS9: "To the Death")
- Dozaria je pouštní planeta, nacházející se v blízkosti území Cardassijské unie a Breenské konfederace, v kvadrantu Alfa. Je to jediná planeta třídy M v soustavě. V roce 2366 havarovala na planetě cardassijská transportní loď Ravinok, která převážela bajorské zajatce. Loď byla napadena Breeny. Ti, kteří přežili, byli Breeny použiti jako pracovníci v místním dilithiovém dole. V roce 2372 se k majoru Kiře dostala informace od muže jménem Razka Karn, že někteří z transportu Ravinoku mohli přežít, a že mohou být na planetě Dozaria. Poté, co byl ke Kiře Cardassiany přidělen legát Dukat, odletěli runaboutem na Dozarii. Zde nalezli trosky Ravinoku, a poblíž hroby těch, co nepřežili havárii, Bajoranů, i Cardassianů. Další den narazili na breenský dilithiový důl, a infiltrovali ho. Společně zde nalezli Dukatovu dceru, Toru Ziyal, a několik dalších bajorských zajatců. (DS9: "Indiscretion") Dozaria byla jednou z planet, kam vedla ikonijská brána z planety Vandros IV. (DS9: "To the Death")
- Dozaria was an inhabited desert planet, located near the Cardassian Union and the Breen Confederacy. It was the only class M planet in the Dozaria system. In 2366, Cardassian prison transport Ravinok was attacked by Breen warships and forced down on Dozaria. The Breen then used the survivors as laborers in a nearby dilithium mining camp on the planet. In 2372, Major Kira Nerys got word from her old friend Razka Karn that there might have been survivors, and that he had reason to believe that they were on Dozaria. After Legate Dukat was forced to go with her, she took a runabout to the planet and found the remains of the Ravinok. Just outside the ship, she found the burials of the crew members who had died in the crash, both Cardassian and Bajoran. The next morning, Kira and Dukat found the prison camp and infiltrated it, finding Dukat's daughter Tora Ziyal. Kira discovered that her friend, Lorit Akrem, had died several years earlier. (DS9: "Indiscretion") Dozaria was one of the places that could be visited through the Iconian gateway on Vandros IV. (DS9: "To the Death")
- In 2366, the Breen attacked the Cardassian transport Ravinok and forced it to crash on the planet's surface. The survivors were forced into a life of slavery and made to work in the dilithium mines. Among those forced to work were Kira Nerys' friend Lorit Akrem and Skrain Dukat's illegitimate daughter Tora Ziyal. Ziyal and the other survivors were rescued in 2372 by Kira and Dukat. (DS9 episode: "Indiscretion") Later that year, Dozaria was one of several places that an Iconian Gateway on Vandros IV that could transport a person to from the Gamma Quadrant. (DS9 episode: "To the Death") In 2374, Corat Damar told Ziyal her father should have left her "to rot" in the camp on Dozaria. Damar wanted her to reconcile with father to repay him for saving her. (DS9 episode: "Favor the Bold", DS9 episode & novelization: ...Sacrifice of Angels) By 2376, the Orion Syndicate controlled the mines of Dozaria. The Syndicate was willing to give them to the Iconians (actually the Petraw) in exchange for control of the Gateways. (DS9 - Gateways novel: Demons of Air and Darkness)