| - Sin’niroiha (“First Among Peoples” in Ihrimsû), was the King of the Nonman Mansion of Nihrimsul. The power of High Mansion of Siöl waxed and Nihrimsul was subdued by Cû’jara-Cinmoi. Sin’niroiha was forced to wash the sword of the High King of Siöl. After the Battle of Pir Pahal, emboldened by Siöl’s distraction, Nihrimsul and Cil-Aujas had revolted. After years of hard campaigning, Cû’jara-Cinmoi finally brought the Ishroi of Cil-Aujas to heel, but King Sin’niroiha and the Ishroi of Nihrimsul continued to resist him. The Isûphiryas chronicles dozens of bloody yet indecisive confrontations between the two Kings: the Battle of Ciphara, the Battle of Hilcyri, the Siege of Asargoi. Proud beyond reason, Cû’jara-Cinmoi refused to relent, and put to death every embassy Sin’niroiha sent to him. Only when Sin’niroiha became King of Ishoriöl through marriage did the High King of Siöl concede. “A King of Three Mansions,” he is said to have declared, “may be Brother to a King of Two.” When Womb-Plague killed all Cûnuroi women and Cû’jara-Cinmoi called Ishroi to war, Sin’niroiha was with him. He saw how Nin’janjin struck down Cû’jara-Cinmoi, how the Copper Tree of Siöl felt into pitching masses of Sranc, and the Cûnuroi were dismayed. Sin’niroiha, the High King of Nihrimsul and Ishoriöl, fought his way to Cû’jara-Cinmoi’s position, but found only his headless body. Realizing their plight, Sin’niroiha rallied his people and began fighting his way into the Ring Mountains. A greater part of the surviving Cûnuroi followed him. Once clear of their foe, the glorious Ishroi of Eärwa fled, gripped by a mad fear.