| - What?
- Why?
- No.
- Here.
- Yeah.
- Bellamy!
- Lincoln.
- May we meet again.
- No!
- O!
- What are you talking about?
- Don't do this.
- No, no!
- Good luck.
- What happened?
- Ok.
- Blood must have blood.
- Wait!
- No?
- Right.
- Hey.
- Please!
- Really?
- Let's start.
- Luna, we're on our way.
- Previously on the 100...
- Clarke.
- Who is this?
- Raven.
- How do you know that?
- Yu gonplei ste odon.
- I'm gonna get you out of here.
- Something like that.
- Go.
- [She leaves.]
- Emerson.
- Ascende superius.
- We're not going with you.
- Because I know why she wants the second AI.
- You know too much. I can't let them have you.
- Sinclair.
- What the hell are you doing?
- She wasn't an AI. Her mind was just enhanced by one. I'm guessing the reason she didn't know was because the program degraded over time. Parts of it got lost. Think, Clarke, it might've been a phrase that meant something to Lexa. Words she said over and over again.
- [They enter through the door and immediately begin kissing.]
- Everyone finish what you're doing, meet me in the armory.
- We left two days ago. Why haven't they fixed the gate?
- Doesn't say. It could be anything. It was in Lexa, right? She would've known it.
- You're brave, Clarke, I'll give you that. They're lucky to have a friend like you.
- I take it ALIE didn't leave Latin behind in your brain.
- This is the girl from the market. You acted as if you didn't know her.
- Bekka Pramheda, the first Commander. The gene therapy made her blood black, didn't it?
- I'm being serious, though. Ontari, she's crazy and that's come from me. The only reason I'm still breathing is she thinks I know how to make her the commander.
- Emori, you gotta leave Polis. It's not safe for you here.
- [Harper hears a noise outside and notices Bryan is gone.]
- No, no, no. Stay in the rover. Stay in the rover. Stay-stay in the rover. Stay... Stay...
- [Bellamy puts his guns down and walks towards the airlock.]
- [She leans in as if the kiss him but a knock is heard.]
- Alright. There's this one guy... Brazilian, Captain Fidalgo. That was his name. He started to see his dead wife and kids in his dreams. They were all burned up from the bombs. He told the ship's doc that they looked like demons. After a while, he started to see them when he was awake, too. He would beg and beg and beg them to leave him alone, just to stop, right? They said the only way they'd leave him alone was if he did one thing.
- [Clarke takes her gun. She uses her walkie-talkie.]
- [Inside the hangar bay. The rover is being loaded up.]
- [Everyone hugs goodbye as Bellamy, Clarke, Octavia, and Jasper get in the rover.]
- Thank you Emori, it's time to fill the City of Light.
- You ever hear the one about the massacre on Alpha Station?
- [The flame activates, Raven reaches towards it with tongs but it soon enough deactivates.]
- When someone without the blood takes the flame, the flame takes their life.
- We're in and out. Have as much gear as you can against the rover.
- Come on, don't tell me you actually believe in this religious crap.
- Then let's find it a host. Come on, Bellamy's waiting.
- Then let my friends go. Do that and you can have me.
- There's not. Until we find it a host, we won't know how to stop ALIE.
- Ok there must be another way to access the code then.
- [Bellamy and Clarke and walking down the halls of Arkadia.]
- He was here. You were in Mount Weather. The airlock.
- He didn't kill Monty or Raven. He would've left their bodies. He took them somewhere.
- A hook? That's the best you can do?
- Aaron wouldn't want you to do this.
- Aaron.
- Airlock 5. Oxygen venting.
- And now you're here to kill me is that it?
- Anyway uh, nature calls. Listen for that hook.
- Are you sure no one will come in?
- Army of chipped Arkadians.
- Arrest this imposter!
- Because it's the only thing that can stop her.
- Becca...
- Bekka Pramheda gets her second shot at atonement.
- Bellamy, what's wrong?
- Bryan? Guys this isn't funny anymore! Miller?
- Clarke! What is it? What's going on?
- Clear the room!
- Come to the airlock, no weapons. Right now.
- Seek higher things. Altiora petimus. No, go for a less literal translation. Ascende superius.
- Distract him. I shoot him.
- Do not fall behind again.
- Does it seem like I'm sure?