| - Parents are a voter group. Parents are citizens who have children. The safety and welfare of their children is a parent's primary concern, so the group advocate for laws and subsidies which help look after the well-being of kids.
- Charlotte misses her parents, so Vendetta decides to make fiend look-a-likes for her.
- People whom the Links have never heard of, seeing as they as well as the rest of the People of Hyrule, don't have any.
- Mom will also occasionally send gifts in the mail, on the player's birthday, Toy Day, and on New Year's Day. Mom also sends Bells, non-native fruit, acorns, and mushrooms in the mail. Mom is never actually seen, nor is it known how/why the player came to move away from home in the first place. Outside of the letters, the player's mother is never brought up in conversation by any of the animals. It is also not possible to send letters back to Mom. Mom will give the player a pink carnation on Mother's Day.
- Usually, parents are just people working in the robot factory where "You" were created. They might have something to do with Your mom, Your Mom or Your Mother, but this has also lot to do with froggy fruits. The Moon can decide whether it is worth of potato to elongate the blood further into the Abbasee Old (which will cause Blood Potato jump around four spiky circles). Two can only oh no about it. And it is to never forget the banana cheese. Numberss are too confused to complete the job.
- Their daughter comes home during the robbery to find them tied up.
- Parents (family members) pronunciation: PAY- rents Parents are the old, but not oldest, parts of The American Family. They are the ones who care for the children. The children usually fail to appreciate this. As ordained by God and the Holy Bible, Parents must always and can only ever be one Father and one Mother, a man and a woman, respectively. No gays allowed.
- This page is an a to z list of (almost) all the parents which have been present in at least one episode.
- Parents is an 8th season episode of House, M.D., and the sixth episode of the season, which first aired on November 14, 2011. A patient who wishes to follow in his father's footsteps as an entertainer is admitted with partial paralysis. As they look for a bone marrow match, the team discovers a disturbing family secret. Meanwhile, House looks for creative ways to remove his ankle monitor so that he can attend a boxing match in Atlantic City. John Scurti plays a patient convinced he is suffering from diabetes. Taub faces a major decision when his ex-wife Rachel announces she plans on moving across country with their daughter.
- One of the most powerful options within the object properties is the ability to assign a parent. Every object in the game can have a parent object, but what does this mean? Well, when an object has a parent, it can share code, actions and events with that parent. This is called "inheritance" and an object that has a parent is called a "child". But that's not all! You can also do checks and run code on parent objects which automatically include the child objects too which saves a lot of time and energy. Another way to look at a parent object is as a way to "group" objects together under the same umbrella and have them share certain things without loosing their own identity. Now, this may seem a bit complicated to understand so let's give some examples: