| - The Zzarcs were security forces owned by the scientist Thrax Vols. They were created to protect Thrax's private prison. They were made up of many sentient species such as Humans, Givian, Rodians and Trandoshans. The Zzarcs were a rabble compared to more disciplined forces, such as the Republic clone army. However, Thrax had them fitted out with armor and DLC blasters. Despite this, the Zzarcs often fled from firefights, making them unreliable fighters.
| - The Zzarcs were security forces owned by the scientist Thrax Vols. They were created to protect Thrax's private prison. They were made up of many sentient species such as Humans, Givian, Rodians and Trandoshans. The Zzarcs were a rabble compared to more disciplined forces, such as the Republic clone army. However, Thrax had them fitted out with armor and DLC blasters. Despite this, the Zzarcs often fled from firefights, making them unreliable fighters. At first Zzarcs were the nicknames of the mercenaries that fought for Thrax. However, when many of them demanded pay for their services, Thrax instead said that they had signed a contract. He claimed that the contracts "small print" was that once they had agreed to work for him, they had to pay him to be free of his command. A small number left the organization to pursue other careers, only to be killed by those who remained with Thrax.