| - The Heresiarch is a boss enemy from Hexen that appears as a large demonic sorcerer. Three mana container-like cubes circle his head. He makes a cameo at the end of The Dome of D'Sparil in Heretic and appears as an enemy at the end of two hubs: Hub 3: Heresiarch's Seminary and Hub 4: Castle of Grief. In Hexen: Deathkings of the Dark Citadel, there is one at the beginning of the Constable's Gate hub and another in Chantry, one of the maps in the Nave hub. He has 5000 hitpoints making him just as tough as Korax himself. The Heresiarch can cast four different spells:
* Create a barrier that makes him invincible and deflects projectiles.
* Shoot a stream of purple fireballs in a waving pattern.
* Summon two fireballs that bounce along the floor and home in on the target.
* When his health is low, he can summon Dark Bishops. There are three cubes orbiting slightly above the Heresiarch, and it is these cubes from which the Heresiarch draws his power. The purple cube allows the Heresiarch to use attack #2 (as listed above), and to cast the homing fireballs. The blue cube allows the Heresiarch to generate his reflective/invulnerable shield, and the green cube allows the Heresiarch to summon Dark Bishops. For players using Baratus (the Fighter) and Daedolon (the Mage), the Heresiarch can be hard to kill because he can only be hurt while his barrier is down, so wait until his shield is down and hit him twice (or three times, but twice is best) with the Quietus sword or Bloodscourge before he reactivates his shield, rinse and repeat; use a Krater of Might if you're almost out of mana. However, players using Parias (the Cleric) can kill the Heresiarch easily with large numbers of gas clouds (using fléchettes which will hurt the Heresiarch even when his barrier is up. When the Heresiarch dies, the cubes will fall to the floor and bounce several times before exploding. The explosions are very powerful and the blast radius is much larger than is apparent from the explosion sprites. Extra danger comes from the fact that a player might mistake the cubes for mana containers. The Heresiarch incurs splash damage from its own purple missiles. However, the ZDoom source port changes this behavior so that he does not.