| - In this series, the Mutagen is depicted as having several similar properties to the version seen in the 1987 series; It blends with the victim's genetics with that of whatever creature they have last made contact with. It has a glowingly blue/green coloration to it. Rise of the Turtles - Michelangelo refers to it as "mom", due to the role that it played in their creation. Cockroach Terminator - The Mutagen also has the ability to merge organic substances and inorganic substances, as seen with Spy-Roach, and the same subject shows that it can also cause similar effects to the original comic version, both increasing size and intelligence sometimes. The Pulverizer Returns! - The Kraang operative told Shredder that the effects of the Mutagen on Earth are unpredictable. If a human has not come into contact with another living being before being effected by Mutagen, their bodies will be molecularly broken down, turning them into a mutant blob made of acidic goo, with only their internal organs still remaining intact. Pulverizer also states that the Mutagen burns a lot. Mikey Gets Shellacne - Exposure to a secondary dose of mutagen can accelerate the original mutation; when Bradford (As Dogpound) falls into a vat of mutagen, he is further mutated into a new form known as Rahzar. The Kraang Conspiracy - It has been stated that the mutagen was not intentionally created as a mutative agent, and apparently had a different effect back in Dimension X, but the new laws of physics in our dimension altered it's function. The Manhattan Project - The mutagen is revealed to be a natural bio-product of massive, worm-like creatures from Dimension X known as Kraathatrogons. The Lonely Mutation Of Baxter Stockman - It is revealed that April is immune to mutagen. Into Dimension X! - In this episode, the Kraang perfected the mutagen, revealing it's true purpose; to "terraform" Earth into a new Dimension X. Objects such as rocks or trees sprayed with the perfected mutagen transform into Kraang elements and creatures including humans are mutated into Kraang monsters. City at War - Stockman-Fly started feeding mutagen to Shredder while he was recuperating. The Insecta Trifecta - The mutagen that was injected into Shredder started to take it's effect where he started to sprout razor-sharp blades from the back of his hands.