| - You can use the box below to create new pages on this wiki. preload=Template:NewPagePreload width=25 Hey everyone... Here are some open positions in Earth Science, Geology, Environmental Science, and Civil and Environmental Engineering for this academic year. This page mimics last year's ever so useful site at . This a place to compile information about which schools are hiring and if they requested reference letters, scheduled phone interviews, scheduled campus interviews, made offers, had offers accepted, sent rejection letters etc. If you hear about any of these things, please update the page!
| - You can use the box below to create new pages on this wiki. preload=Template:NewPagePreload width=25 Hey everyone... Here are some open positions in Earth Science, Geology, Environmental Science, and Civil and Environmental Engineering for this academic year. This page mimics last year's ever so useful site at . This a place to compile information about which schools are hiring and if they requested reference letters, scheduled phone interviews, scheduled campus interviews, made offers, had offers accepted, sent rejection letters etc. If you hear about any of these things, please update the page! Hey back! I created last year's wiki and I can say that it really did help me since I've got a spanking new job. I've updated the main directory to come to this page directly and brought over the links to job listing sites. I hope it makes one thing a little easier in the lives of you busy job seekers. Best wishes to all. To get an idea of how many people are using this site: Users/Editors: 9 Evergreen State College UNC-Earth Surface Processes University of Buffalo-Geohydrology Purdue university-AMS Harvard (Solid Earth/ Planetary Sciences) Moravian College (Earth Sciences) Ohio University (Petrology) California State University Sacramento (Open) Central Washington University (Education/Earth Sciences) Hofstra University (Geophysics) University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (Climate/ Environmental change) Amherst College (Visiting Geology -- Environmental Geoscience) Ball State University (Mineralogy/Petrology) Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania (Geography&Geosciences) Brock University (Mineralogy/Petrology) Bryn Mawr College (Paleontology) CalTech (Geophysics, Planetary Science) Carleton University [Canada] (Mineralogy) Central Washington University (Earth Science Education) -- search MIGHT be postponed due to budget concerns, but not yet official Clark University (Environmental Science and Policy) Columbia University (Sustainable/Green Development) College of William & Mary (Structural Geology/Tectonics) College of Wooster (Structural Geology) Cornell (Climate Science) Drew University (Environmental Sciences) Earlham College (Open) East Carolina (Mineralogy/Petrology) East Carolina (Structural Geology) Eastern Connecticut State University (Structural Geology/Mineralogy and Petrology) Eastern Michigan University (Geomorphology) Evergreen State College (Geology-hydrology, aqueous chemistry, low-temperature geochemistry, or biogeochemistry, with field research) Georgia Tech (Climate Science) Grand Valley State University (Geology) Grand Valley State University (Geoscience Education) Gustavus Adolphus (Paleontology) Harvard (Solid Earth/ Planetary Sciences) Iowa State (Geochemistry) Keene State College (Environmental Policy--contract lecturer) Dept. of Environmental Studies review of applications begins May 11 Louisiana State University (Geochemistry) McGill (Sedimentary Systems) Millersville University (Environmental Geology) Michigan Tech. University (Belowground Forest Processes--non-tenure track) Montana State University (Environmental Science) Moravian College (Earth Science) Muskingum College (Geology) Northern Illinois University (Mineralogy/Petrology) Northwest Missouri State University (Geology) San Francisco State (Geohydrology) Stanford University (Geochronology, Petrology, Geodynamics) St. Lawrence University (Geomorphology) St. Lawrence University (Geochemistry/Mineralogy) United States Air Force Academy (Environmental Engineering) University of Alabama (Paleontology) University of California, San Diego (Environmental Chemistry) University of California, Santa Cruz (Planetary Science) University of Colorado Boulder (Geophysics) University of Indianapolis (Environmental Geology/Geoarcheology) University of Massachusetts at Amherst (Environmental Sensing) University of Minnesota at Duluth (Water Resources) University of Minnesota at Morris (Mineral/Petrology/Structure) University of New Hampshire (Climate Science) University of Pennsylvania (Open) University of Texas at Arlington (Environmental and Water Resources/Hydrology) University of Toronto Mississauga (Earth Sciences) University of West Georgia (Two one-year positions: 1-Paleontology and 2-Stratigraphy/geobiology/Earth history, Geoscience education, Tectonics/applied geophysics, or Planetary geology/remote sensing; Applications reviewed starting Mar. 31, 2009) University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee (Isotope Geology) University of Wyoming (Isotope Geology) Vanderbilt University (Biogeosciences) Vassar College (Biogeosciences) Washington University, St. Louis (Planetary Geophysics -- very broad description) Western Kentucky University (Geomorphology and GIS) Westfield State College (Open) Ball State University (Mineralogy/Petrology) Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania (Geography&Geosciences) Bryn Mawr College (Paleontology) Denison University (Mineralogy/Petrology) Earlham College (Open) Iowa State (Geochemistry) Kent State (low T-geochemistry) Louisiana State (Geochemistry) Michigan Tech. University (Belowground Forest Processes--non-tenure track) Northern Illinois University (Mineralogy/Petrology) San Francisco State (Geohydrology) Stanford University (G, P, G) St. Lawrence University (Geomorphology) Texas A and M (Sedimentology) University of Akron (Structural Geology) University of Alabama (Paleontology) University of Arkansas (Structural Geology) University of Pennsylvania (Open) University of West Georgia (Two positions) University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee (Isotope Geology) University of Wyoming (Isotope Geology) Vanderbilt University (Biogeosciences) Vassar College (Biogeosciences) Washington University, St. Louis Denison University (Mineralogy/Petrology) San Francisco State (geohydrology) Brock University (Mineralogy/Petrology) Bryn Mawr College (Paleontology) Columbia University (Climate) Denison University (Mineralogy/Petrology) East Carolina University (Mineralogy/Petrology) Earlham College (open) Iowa State University (Low Temperature Geochemistry) Kent State (Low Temperature Geochemistry) Louisiana State University (Isotope Geochemistry) Scripps, UC San Diego (Climate) Skidmore College (Oceanography/Climatology) Stanford University (Geochronology, Petrology, Geodynamics) Temple University (Stable Isotopes) Temple University (Geohazards) University of Akron (Structural Geology) University of Arkansas (Structural Geology) University of California, Santa Cruz (Planetary Science) University of Pennsylvania (Open) University of Toronto Mississauga (Earth Sciences) University of West Georgia (Both positions) University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire (Earth & Environmental Science) Vanderbilt University (Biogeosciences) Vassar College (Biogeosciences) Washington University, St. Louis Western Kentucky University (Geomorphology and GIS) Yale University (Climate) Iowa State University (Low Temperature Geochemistry) Kent State University (Low T Geochemistry) Skidmore College (Oceanography/Climatology) University of Wyoming (isotope geochemistry) Temple University (Stable Isotopes) Vassar College (Biogeosciences) Denison University (Mineralogy/Petrology) Gustavus Adolphus (Paleontology) Iowa State University (Low Temperature Geochemistry) Skidmore College (Oceanography/Climatology) Temple University (Geohazards) University of Wyoming (isotope geochemistry) University of Akron (Structural Geology) Vassar College (Biogeosciences) University of West Georgia (Both positions) U. Wisconsin - Madison (Climate) Amherst College (Visiting Geology -- Environmental Geoscience) received by email April 15, 2009 Bryn Mawr College (Paleontology) received by email Feb 27, 2009 Evergreen State College (Geology-hydrology, aqueous chemistry, low-temperature geochemistry, or biogeochemistry, with field research) Nov. 21 Earlham College (Open) Georgia Tech (Climate Science) Feb. 18 Skidmore College (Oceanography/Climatology) Temple University (Geohazards) Apr. 9 University of Alabama (Paleontology) - received by email June 19 University of Pennsylvania (Open) Vanderbilt University (Biogeosciences) Try these sites: