| - Casca was a stoic and hardened woman who was immensely loyal to Griffith. Such was her dedication that it was no secret that she would willingly give her own life for him. But Casca's cold demeanor masked her own inner personal demons as a result of her traumatic childhood and the challenges she faced because of her womanhood. Casca was very guarded (with good reason) and was shy and embarrassed easily whether it be wearing a dress (though Guts thought she looked beautiful) or having her period during a battle, even if it caused her to faint and have a heated argument with Guts later. Casca was also normally level headed when it came to battle except when Griffith (and later Guts) was involved; otherwise, she was courageous in fights and had strong leadership skills. Casca hated the fact she was born a woman not only because of the numerous sexual assaults, but because of enemy soldiers who didn't take her seriously on the battlefield and openly mocked her in front of her fellow Hawks. When Guts got angry that she hadn't told anyone she was going though her post menstrual cycle on the battlefield she yelled back at him that it hadn't been her choice. Guts, seeing her frustration, cooled his anger and was always the one to praise and take her fighting skills seriously. Guts often joked that the wrath of the enemies they are facing is nothing compared to Casca's. Casca showed the strongest devotion to Griffith and would be become unreasonable and irascible if Griffith was in any danger due to his rescue of her at young age, worshiping him for years to come saying she wanted to be is sword, showing a emotional needful core desiring to be loved and protected. This why Casca was frustrated that Griffith didn't return her feelings and more hurt that Griffith showed open affection for Guts who believed had usurped her position at Griffith side ensuring many bitter arguments between her and Guts. This anger turn to surprise and graduate when Guts saved and protected her from Adon and his hundred men, being the first men to shed such blood for her in battle. As a result she became much warmer towards Guts during the siege on Doldrey and was distraught when he left the Hawks, showing much of the naive attachment to Guts as she did Griffith, but with the feelings more mutual. After Griffith is captured by the King of Midland, Casca, now forced to lead the Hawks, commanded them to safety following a surprise assault from the Midland army. Casca had fallen into depression until Guts returned to save her and the Hawks from Silat. She was shy upon seeing him again but asked him to accompany her to a clearing overlooking the waterfall, where she promptly attacked him. Taken by surprise, Guts was unwilling to hurt her and asked where this anger had come from. Guts even grabbed her sword and held it to his wound, asking why she was doing this. Casca, grappling with her new found feelings for him, yelled at him to let go before he bled to death. Casca feeling lost and depressed tried to commit suicide of the falls. Seeing Guts grab her arm she realized despite him being indirectly the cause of Griffith's capture, she had fallen in love with Guts. When Guts pulled up, furious at first, but quickly noticed her now returned feelings to him. He then kissed Casca, which she returned gratefully. Before they made love Casca expressed how lost she felt doing this with Guts. Guts comforted her, telling her to go with her instincts; Casca lost her virginity to him. Halfway though intercourse the experience triggered a flashback for Guts to when he was attacked by Donovan and Gambino, causing him to almost strangle a confused Casca. Guts let go, horrified with himself, and collapsed crying for the first time in long time while he revealed his past to her. Casca forgave him easily and thanked him, saying they had now both shown their "weak spots" to each other, and they slept together once more. Afterwards, Guts told her that after he rescued Griffith he still wanted to follow his own dream of wielding his sword, resulting in Casca getting angry (thinking that Guts hadn't thought of her in his future). However, he then asked her to come with him, saying he wanted to "have" her more and that he would always protect her, causing Casca to blush. Soon Casca became very doting towards Guts, insisting on sewing up his wounds herself and becoming terrified for his safety in his fight against Wyald, wishing he would just flee some fights instead of always standing his ground. Casca tried to keep him to his promise that he'd "always protect her" and Guts held to the promise dearly, even when he couldn't save her, costing him a forearm and an eye later in the Eclipse. After saving Griffith Casca realized she was pregnant with Guts' child, however she refrained from telling him as she did not want him to worry. She decided to stay with Griffith, apologizing to Guts when the Hawks were planning to make him leader. Towards the ending of the Eclipse, Casca finally lost her faith in Griffith and shouted to him from horseback with Judeau, whether is this "Hell" is what he wanted. Following the Eclipse, from watching her allies get slaughtered to being violated by Griffith and even having her barely formed baby mutated with Griffith's demon seed, the ordeal she suffered destroyed Casca's sanity as she mentally regressed to a child and became unable to speak. She also developed Androphobia (a fear of men) and thus she couldn't stand any man touching her or approaching her, even Guts, causing him much anguish now being unable to touch or love her as he used to.