Bloom: Dad! It's not fair! Mike: Listen, in a few weeks, we will all be flying to the beach as we do every year. Bloom: But all my friends go on holidays by themselves, that would've been the best present ever. Vanessa: Well, speaking of presents, we've got a little surprise for you! Mike: Yeah, a little something to help you around Gardenia! Bloom: Really! Thanks, dad! Huh? Mike: Nice huh? Bloom: Oh well... yeah, thanks... Mike: See she doesn't know what to say! Vanessa: I don't know, maybe she was expecting something, a bit more... sophisticated. Mike: A bicycle with a speedometer? Maybe... Vanessa: A scooter, Mike! Mike: But scooters are dangerous, and they cost a lot of money. Vanessa: We will try to put some money aside, maybe next year we could get her one.
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| - Winx Club - Episode 101/Cinélume Script
| - Bloom: Dad! It's not fair! Mike: Listen, in a few weeks, we will all be flying to the beach as we do every year. Bloom: But all my friends go on holidays by themselves, that would've been the best present ever. Vanessa: Well, speaking of presents, we've got a little surprise for you! Mike: Yeah, a little something to help you around Gardenia! Bloom: Really! Thanks, dad! Huh? Mike: Nice huh? Bloom: Oh well... yeah, thanks... Mike: See she doesn't know what to say! Vanessa: I don't know, maybe she was expecting something, a bit more... sophisticated. Mike: A bicycle with a speedometer? Maybe... Vanessa: A scooter, Mike! Mike: But scooters are dangerous, and they cost a lot of money. Vanessa: We will try to put some money aside, maybe next year we could get her one.
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| - Bloom: Dad! It's not fair! Mike: Listen, in a few weeks, we will all be flying to the beach as we do every year. Bloom: But all my friends go on holidays by themselves, that would've been the best present ever. Vanessa: Well, speaking of presents, we've got a little surprise for you! Mike: Yeah, a little something to help you around Gardenia! Bloom: Really! Thanks, dad! Huh? Mike: Nice huh? Bloom: Oh well... yeah, thanks... Mike: See she doesn't know what to say! Vanessa: I don't know, maybe she was expecting something, a bit more... sophisticated. Mike: A bicycle with a speedometer? Maybe... Vanessa: A scooter, Mike! Mike: But scooters are dangerous, and they cost a lot of money. Vanessa: We will try to put some money aside, maybe next year we could get her one.