| - Compagnie(s) deservant(s) la gare :
* Compagnie des chemins de fer de l'ÉtatCatégorie:Gare (ÉTAT).
* Compagnie des chemins de fer de l'OuestCatégorie:Gare (OUEST).
* État françaisCatégorie:Gare (État français).
* Réseau ferré de FranceCatégorie:Gare (RFF).
* Société nationale des chemins de fer françaisCatégorie:Gare (SNCF).
- Located on Île Jésus, across the Rivière des Prairies from Montreal, Laval is the 6th largest suburb in North America after Mississauga, Ontario; Long Beach, California; Mesa, Arizona; Virginia Beach, Virginia and Surrey, British Columbia. Laval-des-Rapides became Laval's first city in 1912 and was followed by L'Abord-à-Plouffe being granted village status three years later. 15.48% of the population was born outside of Canada, substantially lower than the national average, many immigrants hailing from the French Caribbean, the Middle East, North Africa, and Europe.
- Laval is a city in southern Quebec, Canada. It takes up the entire Isle Jesus which is just north of Montreal.
- Laval Is an Adelie Penguin Living Caseyboy97 At Half Pipe .She Is A great artist and owns her own art shop.
- Laval is a prince and warrior of the Lion tribe in Chima. He is the son of Lagravis and accomplished Speedor racer. His mother is not mentioned in the series. He is best friends with Cragger. Laval is expected to be a mature lion warrior but he is shown to act like a kid, forgetting his duties. He is the main protagonist of the series which follows his adventures.
- Laval is the prince of the Lion Tribe. He is an NPC that gives players their first goal, and teaches them how to use their first Chi.
- Laval è un Leggende di Chima minifigure rilasciati nel 2013. Egli è protagonista principale del tema e di un membro tribù della Leoni. Laval ha o sarà caratterizzato in costruzione, Speedorz, e Figura set di costruzioni.
- Laval es un personaje que aparece únicamente en LEGO Dimensions. Categoría:Personajes Categoría:Personajes de Lego Dimensions
- Laval ist der Sohn von Lagravis und Neffe von Lavertus. Bei einer Mutprobe mit Cragger kommt es zum Streit zwischen den beiden und es gibt Krieg. Als sie sich wieder vertragen, reisen sie ins Hinterland, um die Skorpione, Fledermäuse und Spinnen aufzuhalten. Cragger weiß, dass es Lavals Schuld ist, dass sie plötzlich so groß sind, da er vor mehreren Monaten das Chi der Krokodile in die Schlucht der unendlichen Tiefe geworfen hatte. Lavals Geheimnis wird dann doch noch offenbart. Dennoch vertrauen ihm seine Freunde und sie besiegen die Kriechtiere. Dann überreicht er Scorm durch die Felsen eine Chikugel, die ihn erkennen lässt, dass er einen riesigen Fehler gemacht hat. Als er sie wegwirft, erweckt er dadurch die Jäger der Eiszeit.
- Laval is a basic Inferno Boo except he has a teal toungue, and is often called "Blue Mouth".
- Laval is the prince of the Lion Tribe in Chima, and the main protagonist of the Legends of Chima Series. He used to be best friends with Cragger before he demanded more Chi, his parents went missing, and a war broke out with the two buds. When the ice tribes came to Chima he gets a new vehicle, the Fire Lion.
- - LAVAL, le centre du monde? - Pour moi, ils Laval, cet argent. [en parlant du métro à Laval] - Ah non, pas encore Laval! Laval ' dit ! [un citoyen en parlant du viaduc qui s'est effondré]
- "Laval" (ラヴァル Ravaru) is an archetype first released in Duel Terminal - Vylon Descends!!. Their team symbol is an orange flame often carved into a flat stone or disc. All known "Laval" monsters have FIRE as their Attribute, as well as the majority of them being either Pyro or Warrior-Type. All Synchro Monsters require 1 or more non-Tuner FIRE monsters.