| - Cardassian culture stresses the importance of duty over all things: duty to family, duty to friends and fellow citizens, and duty to the state. All Cardassian citizens, whether they are soldiers or not, are expected to live or die for the Union. During their lives they are expected to serve the state selflessly in any manner they can and at any time they are called upon. While this looks good on paper, most Cardassians serve the state graciously out of one motivation: fear. Over the shoulder of every Cardassian citizen is the Obsidian Order, peering into their public and personal lives. It is said that a Cardassian cannot sit down to eat without the meal being duly noted, categorized and approved by the Obsidian Order. This is not an exaggeration; indeed, the Obsidian Order spies on its own citizenry with great alacrity using every means at their disposal. Because of this invasion of privacy, few Cardassians living in the Union enjoy civil liberties unless powerful friends protect them. Free speech is unheard of, as people have been known to disappear for voicing their opinions. The right to bear arms is denied the civilian citizenry unilaterally, though some civilians keep some sort of weaponry in their home illegally. Assembly of the citizenry (for any reason) without proper license is grounds for arrest. Communiqués are regularly tapped, mail opened, and homes bugged. People are paid handsomely for turning in their treasonous neighbors and can usually gain vesala by doing so. Families are encouraged to do the same; after all, dedication to the state should come before blood. Citizens are free to establish businesses so long as they have the requisite approvals from the Ministry of Industrial Affairs. The private sector exists to serve the state, and the state controls commerce with an iron hand. The military is the largest consumer for these businesses, for without the military's patronage a business is sure to fail.