| - The Tech Guy is a nationally syndicated radio show, hosted by Leo Laporte of TechTV and TWiT.tv fame. The show, which was first exclusively broadcast on KFI AM 640 in Los Angeles, California, was picked up for syndication by Premiere Radio Networks in January 2007. The show currently has over fifty terrestrial affiliates in cities including Los Angeles, California, San Francisco, California, Houston, Texas, and Washington, DC. The show also airs on America's Talk on XM Satellite Radio. Leo broadcasts the show in Live Video via Stickam, but eventually ceased streaming the show's caller audio at the request of his affiliates (though Leo's own responses are still audible). Leo still answers questions from chat room members between breaks, and also unmutes the audio to continue answering calls
| - The Tech Guy is a nationally syndicated radio show, hosted by Leo Laporte of TechTV and TWiT.tv fame. The show, which was first exclusively broadcast on KFI AM 640 in Los Angeles, California, was picked up for syndication by Premiere Radio Networks in January 2007. The show currently has over fifty terrestrial affiliates in cities including Los Angeles, California, San Francisco, California, Houston, Texas, and Washington, DC. The show also airs on America's Talk on XM Satellite Radio. Leo broadcasts the show in Live Video via Stickam, but eventually ceased streaming the show's caller audio at the request of his affiliates (though Leo's own responses are still audible). Leo still answers questions from chat room members between breaks, and also unmutes the audio to continue answering calls after the show has ended. The show is a mixture of interviews and call-ins, as well as Leo's own thoughts and opinions on current events in technology. Leo likes to bring on guests such as Dick DeBartolo, Steve Gibson, Mike Lazazzera, Paul Thurrott, Ron Rosberg, and Merlin Mann for interview segments. These interviews are often pre-recorded to accommodate the guest's schedule. The guests connect to the show using Skype.