| - Madrigal was the queen of Antiva at the end of the Exalted Age. Her fame lies not in how she ruled - nothing is known of her reign - but in her dramatic death.
- Madrigal is a type of used by Bards. It increases the Accuracy stat for party members within range. Two songs give this effect. Different tiers can be combined.
- Madrigal is a type of song in Final Fantasy XI. There are two madrigals in the game: Sword Madrigal and Blade Madrigal. Both increase Accuracy of all party members within range. Sword Madrigal increases Accuracy by a lower amount than Blade Madrigal. The two songs can stack together, but as always, a player may only have two songs active and granted by the same Bard at any given time.
- Madrigal ist die Welt, in der sich das Leben von Flyff abspielt. Diese Welt besteht aus den vier Kontinenten Flaris, Saint Morning ,Darkon und Khaldera - wobei Darkon wiederum in Darkon 1, Darkon 2 und Darkon 3 untergeteilt ist. Zusätzlich gibt es nördöstlich von Saint Morning den Garden of Rhisis, auch als Death Island bekannt, der aber nicht wirklich als eigener Kontinent bezeichnet werden kann. Als weitere Spielfelder stehen Azria und die Koralleninsel sowie diverse Dungeons zur Verfügung. Weltkartethumb|left|740px
- Madrigal was a thriving UNSC Outer Colony world in the 23 Librae system, and is the only planet within 23 Librae's habitable zone.
- Name: Madrigal Run Time: 2:25 Written By: Jon Anderson, Rick Wakeman Year: 1978
* Greatest Video Hits
* Two Sides Of Yes, Vol. 2 - (Rick Wakeman)
* Rick Wakeman's Greatest Hits - (Rick Wakeman)
- Madrigal is the 5th track on the album A Farewell to Kings. It is one of the band's softest songs, and is also one of the shortest, at 2:35.
- "Madrigal" is the second episode of the fifth season of Breaking Bad and the forty-eighth episode altogether.
- マドリガル殖民地はUNSCのアウターコロニー界にあった殖民地で、23リブラエ星系に位置した。 この植民地は、唯一23リブラエ星系で居住可能な惑星に整備された。 惑星ハーベストは2525年頃、マドリガル殖民地近隣に位置していたといわれる。 ハーベストはコヴナントによってあっという間に焼き尽くされ、2528年にはマドリガル殖民地もがコヴナントに破壊された。この時第2基地とグリーンヒルズの二つの植民地をもほぼ同時に失っていた。 生存者はルーブルに退避した。 後にUNSC ミッドサマーナイトとスパルタン・チーム・グレイがルーブルとメチセッテで戦った。前者では殖民地居住者の退避支援を行っている。 又、後のアービターであるゼル・ヴァダムはマドリガルで戦ったことが知られている。 この植民地の居住者は、ほとんどがヒスパニック系の名前だという。
- Madrigal was a drift-station located on the ocean surface of Pacifica, and served as home base for an oceanographic survey team head by Doctor Gillian Taylor circa the year 2310. (TOS - Strange New Worlds II short story: "The Hero of My Own Life")
- Madrigal was a small COG city in Tyrus, not far from the Jacinto Plateau. During the Pendulum Wars, Madrigal was a normal, peaceful COG city, but after the eruption of the Locust War, the city was repurposed to support a facility of birthing creches, run by former businessman Damien Gregor. In 5 A.E., the city would fall under attack by the Locust, and while Madrigal's major assets would be relocated to Jacinto, the city itself would be destroyed.
- Madrigal is the term for the entire world -- more specifically, it collectively describes the continents of Flaris, Saint Morning, Garden of Rhisis, Darkon, Shaduwar, Valley of the Risen and Kaillun Grassland. The world of Madrigal is a large place to roam, consisting of 7 continents they each have their own unique features.
- Madrigal war ein vom UEG kontrollierter Planet, welcher am nächsten zur Kolonie Harvest lag. So benötigte man für einen Slipspace Sprung von Madrigal nach Reach etwas weniger als zwei Monate und für einen Sprung nach Harvest sechs Wochen.
- Madrigal was once a thriving UNSC Outer Colony world located within the 23 Librae system, and in fact was the only planet within the system's habitable zone. In 2525 it was the closest of man's colonies to the colony world of Harvest, and in 2528 Madrigal followed Harvest to become the fourth known colony to be glassed by the Covenant during the Battle of Madrigal. Second Base and Green Hills were the two colonies who fell between the loss of Harvest and the loss of Madrigal.
- Madrigal era una fiorente colonia esterna dell'UNSC, situata nel sistema stellare 23 Librae; era l'unico pianeta in grado di supportare la vita di questo sistema. Nel 2525 era la colonia più vicina ad Harvest e nel 2528 ha seguito Harvest, Second Base e Green Hills a divenire la quarta colonia UNSC ad essere vetrificata dai Covenant. Gli Insurrezionisti hanno giocato un ruolo molto importante nell'evacuazione di molti coloni, molti dei quali erano semplici ragazzi. Per esempio, nella città di Nueva Lima, un trasporto Insurrezionista ha salvato molti coloni poco prima che la superficie del pianeta venisse vetrificata.
- thumb|350px|Madrigal, el Vigilante de la Noche. Madrigal, El Vigilante de la Noche, El Último Invigilus de la Stygia Maldita, es un trágico Caballero Desarraigado que mantiene una interminable vigilancia sobre las ruinas de su planeta natal. Su estatus de Caballero Desarraigado fue el resultado final de una incursión demoníaca sobre el Mundo Caballero de Stygia, donde Madrigal era la última línea de defensa ante la horda de demonios. Por desgracia fue incapaz de detener los ataques asesinos de los Demonios y Stygia cayó ante los siervos del Caos; Madrigal fue el único superviviente cuando los Demonios regresaron a la Disformidad.