| - thumb|250px|Captain Flynt's intro screen
*Flynt has a chance of dropping Flynt's Tinderbox, a Bandit brand fire-elemental pistol with a high elemental effect chance.
*Has a rare chance to drop Thunderball Fists.
*The front of his head is protected from critical hits by his helmet. It is possible, though difficult, to score critical hits by shooting through the gap in the visor. This is easier to do while Flynt is above his attackers, looking down at them.
*When visiting the area after the storyline mission, Flynt can target the vault hunters from a distance as they progress through the lower areas of the ship, and will fire at them if they enter his line of sight. It is possible to snipe him from the lowest floors as he sits on his throne, and to lure him onto the girders above Claptrap's lift for an easy kill.
*According to the Bradygames strategy guide, he is the brother of the deceased Baron Flynt from Borderlands who was also the leader of a group of bandits. This is supported by an audio file saying that he is still offering a reward for the head of whomever killed Baron, adding the fact that his name wasn't a title, and calling his parents "douchebags."
*Unlike other enemies with cutscenes, Flynt can be attacked during his own by objects such as turrets or Deathtrap.
*He has an ability to temporarily light himself on fire . This greatly reduces any damage he takes for a short period.
*Dropped the Dog on Day 3 of the Borderlands 2 $100,000 Loot Hunt.