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- In Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, he gives Ike a report of their most recent battle outcomes.
- Soren is a character appearing in Pokémon: BW Adventures in Unova and Beyond.
- Soren is a fictional character and Vampire in the Underworld mythos, Kraven's janissary and the rival of Raze. He is played by Scott McElroy.
- Soren es un Vampiro de considerable edad se ve en Underworld y Underworld: Rise of the Lycans. Él es retratado por Scott McElroy en Underworld. Su actor de Rise of the Lycans es desconocido.
- Soren (Senerio) ist sowohl Stabsoffizier als auch Stratege von Greils Söldnern.
- Soren is one of the main characters in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance for the GameCube, and is one of the few characters in the game who won't die after losing his health. He is your first mage in the game, and other than Rhys, who won't be able to use light magic until later in the game, is your first magic user. Soren is also in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn as Ike's tactician. During both games he has a strong dislike for laguz. It is revealed in Path of Radiance that it is because Soren is a branded, a beorc-laguz hybrid.
- Mr. Soren ist 2281 in Fallout: New Vegas im Silver Rush zu finden.
- Soren (セネリオ Senerio, romanized as Senerio in the Japanese versions) is a playable character from Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. He is the staff officer and strategist of the Greil Mercenaries. He is also a close friend of Ike and harbors undying loyalty to him. After every battle in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, he gives Ike a report of the outcome.
- Soren is voiced by Kirk Thorton.
- Soren, also known as "Soren the Architect", is a character encountered in Minecraft: Story Mode. He is the leader of the Order of the Stone.
- Soren est un vampire d'âge considérable qui est apparut dans Underworld, Underworld : Evolution et Underworld : Le Soulèvement des Lycans.
- [[Archivo:Soren.jpg|thumb|Soren, en 2368. (TNG The Outcast) :'Interpretada por Melinda Culea.]] Puedes estar buscando a Tolian Soran de Star Trek: Generations. Soren es un miembro de la raza andrógina J'naii. En el año 2368 tuvo un breve romance con el Comandante William T. Riker
- Soren is a Vampire of considerable age seen in Underworld, Underworld: Evolution and Underworld: Rise of the Lycans. He is a Death Dealer and the head of Kraven's personal bodyguards.
- Mr. Soren is a business man found in Freeside in 2281.
- Full name Class Nationality First appearanceFoundation Master Soren is the Guildmaster of the Builders Guild. He holds a seat on the Council, and is a close friend of both King Kiril and King's Own Herald Nikolas. His niece Lydia, who lived in his home in Haven, married the Heir, Prince Sedric. Soren is known for his "sober" Midwinter celebrations, where class barriers are dissolved and conversation and music flow freely.
- Soren is a port town located in the Stornlands, north of Amory and west of Varetta. It commonly has passage available to other places downstream, such as Luyen, Rhem, Eula, and Tekaro.
- Soren, mejor conocido como Soren Rompescudos, es un famoso guerrero y líder salvaje.
- Soren es un personaje de Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance y Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. Es el estratega de los Mercenarios de Greil y un gran amigo de Ike.
- Soren is a friend of Walter White, Jr. and Louis Corbett.
- Oddly enough, he shares the same name as Soren from the Guardians of Ga'hoole book series.
- The Soren (ソーン, Sōn, lit. "Thorn") are a tribe of Seru-wearing people in Legend of Legaia. They were once a prosperous tribe that had camps all over the world, but the arrival of the Mist left the majority of their tribe wiped out. All that is left of the Soren is a single camp to the west of Mt. Dhini, the Soren's holy ground.
- "One of these days people are going to have to face the fact that at this point I care more about the outcome of my Dota match than I do about the outcome of the war." ~Soren There are many myths surrounding Soren, many lies, and very few truths. Depending on who you ask, you'll find a story of a bogeyman who goes around harassing State members, an epic tale of a rebel leader, a simple shrug and a lack of caring of his achievements, or even just a simple "He's a good friend." Indeed, Soren is one of the largest mysteries of the Graal military world, with very few knowing anything about him. Here to set the record straight, from his point of view, is Soren himself.
- One of his crew, Axel, is captured by Agents, and Soren and his crew go to the airport to rescue him. They get pinned down by police officers and Agents, but Soren is able to rescue Axel and escape with the aid of Niobe and Ghost of the hovercraft Logos, who are there to convene the Crisis Meeting of all the captains of Zion hovercraft. He is later at the meeting, and thanks Niobe for her help. Afterwards, he and his crew are able to escape when the meeting is attacked, and they return to Zion as ordered. After Soren's death, Trinity is forced to enter the Matrix to complete his mission.
- Over the next few weeks, his men insisted that the people will live in peace, despite the lack of basic supplies to keep the Tegalans alive. After Dr. Daniel Jackson was trapped on the planet, since Soren's people guarded the Gate, SG-1 tried to find him, but Soren wouldn't allow it, claiming that their presence will scare the people. SG-1 agreed to invite him to Stargate Command, with the promise of giving his people medical supplies to stave off illnesses. However, he refused, but says that the Tau'ri's weapon technologies would be useful, despite wanting to live in peace. After he left, SG-1 thought that the only way to rescue Jackson and save the Tegalans would be to stop Soren.
- thumb|Soren (2368) Soren ist ein Mitglied der J'naii und geht im Jahr 2368 eine kurze Liebesbeziehung mit Commander William T. Riker ein. Ursprünglich zweigeschlechtlich haben sich die J'naii mit der Zeit zu einer androgynen Spezies entwickelt, welche nur noch ein neutrales Geschlecht kennt. In ihren Augen haben sie sich entsprechend weiterentwickelt. Doch nicht alle J'naii empfinden so. Auf ihrem Heimatplaneten befinden sich einzelne Personen, die sich auf ein Geschlecht festlegen und sich zum jeweils anderen Geschlecht hingezogen fühlen. Diese Personen, zu denen auch Soren zählt, werden jedoch gesellschaftlich verachtet, verfolgt und einer speziellen medizinischen Behandlung, der psychotektischen Therapie, unterzogen, bei der sämtliche geschlechtsspezifischen Neigungen aus der Psyche ein
- Soren var en manlig Tegalaner från planeten Tegalus och var var en religiös extremist. Han var ledare för en religiös fraktion, som tror att deras planeten Stargate var en ring som byggts av "gudarna". Men hans tolkning av "gudar" visat sig vara falsk. Efter SG-1 aktiveras Tegalus' Stargate, hörde Soren av händelsen och hävdade att det hade bevisat sin teori om vad Gate gör, och tog det som ett tecken på att "gudar" kommer tillbaka snart igen. Han tog sin extremistiska gruppen och stormade alla Rand Protektorats militära anläggningar, i hopp om att utplåna de närliggande nationen, Caledonianer Federationen. Hans grupp lyckades få överväldigad installationer, och lyckades ta över planetens underjordiska bunker. Han hade befälhavare Gareth och alla som följde honom dödad. Hans statskuppen va