| - By using this Caste, Hiro aimed to boost all of his physical capabilities instead of just one or two. Hiro activates this caste by combining colder air with the air nearer to the ground to create a temperature flux within his own body, allowing him to produce gusts which exceed hurricanes destructive power. After testing and failing multiple times, Hiro learned one vital fact for this form: The colder, the better. Hiro after many attempts, finally obtained the perfect way to activate this form. Hiro extends a part of him into the mesosphere and gains the cold air, while combining said air with the air closest to the ground. This creating a major temperature flux within his own body. His appearance alters due to this, causing his eyes to look more "wild" as well as his hair to become completely spiked up. From this, Hiro gains a boost of both strength and speed. The main two drawback however, is once his fuel is depleted, he must refuel which takes quite a while, in which he has to stand in one place the entire time. A major drawback of this form is that once the fuel is depleted, Hiro can pass out from Caste, due to the effects acting like "doping" of a sort.