| - Riggu Felis was a wildcat warlord who ruled on Green Isle and lived in a huge wooden fortress. He had a wife, Lady Kaltag, and two sons, Jeefra and Pitru. He was supported by an army of feral cats, who kept the native otters of the area as slaves. His life-long aide was the pine marten Atunra. Eventually Leatho escaped the cage with the help of Pandion, but soon after his new hiding place was set ablaze by Lady Kaltag, driven mad at the death of her son. Pandion and Brantalis Skyfurrow, another bird, were sent to rescue him by Tiria Wildlough.
- Riggu came from a line of wildcat pirates who took over Green Isle, home of a large tribe of otters. He built a fortress and ruled over the island, keeping the otters as slaves. He was the only true wildcat on the island, as his army was made up of less-aggressive feral cats, who kept the remaining free otters at bay. Felis and his wife, Lady Kaltag , had two sons, the headstrong and bloodthirsty Pitru, and the weak and cowardly Jeefra. He both admired and hated Pitru for his brashness and determination in becoming the next warlord.
| - Riggu came from a line of wildcat pirates who took over Green Isle, home of a large tribe of otters. He built a fortress and ruled over the island, keeping the otters as slaves. He was the only true wildcat on the island, as his army was made up of less-aggressive feral cats, who kept the remaining free otters at bay. Felis and his wife, Lady Kaltag , had two sons, the headstrong and bloodthirsty Pitru, and the weak and cowardly Jeefra. He both admired and hated Pitru for his brashness and determination in becoming the next warlord. Once, when Riggu was taking his sons out for an initiation hunt, they caught a large osprey named Pandion. When both of his sons were too afraid to take it down alone, even though its beak was pinned shut with a barbed ball, Riggu stepped in and fought the osprey, in the process getting half of his face ripped off and letting the bird free. Later, after being tended to by healers, the furious warlord issued that all birds on the island be killed. From then on he wore a special helmet that covered his raw, maimed face, only taking it off when we wanted to intimidate someone. Felis had a special hatred for the leader of the rebel otters, Leatho Shellhound, who was a Robin Hood-like figure, always befuddling the Catguards and plotting to overthrow Felis and free his fellow otters. Around the time when Tiria, the prophecied High Rhulain savior of the otterclans arrived on the island, Riggu Felis finally captured Leatho, hanging him in a cage outside of his fortress to starve to death. When Tiria and her forces lead an assault on the fortress, Riggu's wife Kaltag, set fire to Leatho's cage, as well as the tower it hung from, as she believed that Leatho had killed her son Jeefra, when in fact Pitru himself had done it. Riggu Felis ordering his troops out on the dock overlooking the fortress's lake, when he saw Pandion the osprey (who had been rescued by Tiria in Mossflower and had joined her force), flying the injured Leatho away from the fire. Riggu then hurled his war axe at Pandion, killing him. Tiria, who had kept the round barb that she took from Pandion's beak, used her sling and hurled the barb at Felis, sending it right through his forehead and deep into his brain. The Catguards were then lead by Pitru, but he was eventually defeated and killed as well.
- Riggu Felis was a wildcat warlord who ruled on Green Isle and lived in a huge wooden fortress. He had a wife, Lady Kaltag, and two sons, Jeefra and Pitru. He was supported by an army of feral cats, who kept the native otters of the area as slaves. His life-long aide was the pine marten Atunra. In battle with the great osprey Pandion Piketalon, Riggu had part of his face torn away by the bird's talons, leaving exposed bone and fangs beneath. After this major injury, Riggu was forced to wear a half-mask made of chainmail, disguising this grotesque wound. Though he managed to stick a star-shaped iron barb into Pandion's mouth, Riggu did not forget what the hawk did to him that day, and had his eye on revenge. He was also angry at his sons for failing to kill the bird. Returning to the fortress, Riggu encountered trouble several times with Leatho Shellhound, a rebellious otter who led his fellow otters in several battles. In one, Riggu's son Jeefra appeared to drown, but in reality he had been killed by his brother Pitru. Through a series of strategic battles, Riggu eventually gained the upper paw and captured Leatho, throwing the otter into a high cage in his fortress. Eventually Leatho escaped the cage with the help of Pandion, but soon after his new hiding place was set ablaze by Lady Kaltag, driven mad at the death of her son. Pandion and Brantalis Skyfurrow, another bird, were sent to rescue him by Tiria Wildlough. They carried Leatho down but Riggu, fighting a battle with the otters below, recognized Pandion and threw his axe at him. Pandion fell to the ground, dead. Tiria, who had sworn to pay back the beast who put the iron barb in Pandion's mouth with his own weapon, loaded the iron star onto her sling and fired it straight at Riggu. It hit him dead-center between the eyes. He died with the star embedded in his brain, falling headfirst off the pier into the lake. It was later mentioned that his body was thrown onto the the burning remains of the fortress along with his catguards.