| - As a child of the Ire, Gallagher hails from Isle and as such, is a born Irishman, of course, his father named him Gallagher to prove that he be proud as well as stout. A name given way to legend and strength to be carved freshly into the womb of mother earth herself. As he aged, he learned combat with a simple broadsword. It was a light weapon and soon it became too light. With the additional practice, his father made him endure. Gallagher quickly became a youth of strength. That is, until his father was put out of work. The family drifted to Europe; near the East Rhine Valley to be precise.
| - As a child of the Ire, Gallagher hails from Isle and as such, is a born Irishman, of course, his father named him Gallagher to prove that he be proud as well as stout. A name given way to legend and strength to be carved freshly into the womb of mother earth herself. As he aged, he learned combat with a simple broadsword. It was a light weapon and soon it became too light. With the additional practice, his father made him endure. Gallagher quickly became a youth of strength. That is, until his father was put out of work. The family drifted to Europe; near the East Rhine Valley to be precise. As the years there were slow, Gallagher's days came and gone. His strength was a thing which his family would soon show for pomp yet, that soon came to an end too. 1591 brought about what his father called The End of Days. A knight had gone berserk and his father, being a man of Will and Valor, he challenged the wicked knight yet, was not a form of challenge. Gallagher witnessed the death of his father that day. Half of him was dead...and the other half did not take long whatsoever. Escaping the rampage, he was separated from his mother whom was able to elude the knight as well as her death. He on the other hand was not that fortunate. Gallagher chose to stand against the knight along with a group of men whom were elder than he was. In a song of blades a battle cried as man after man had been slaughtered until there remained only four men against the lone knight. Gallagher rushed the knight along with two others. With his Seven Branch Sword in hand, Gallagher was able to block the sudden "reflexive whiplash" of an attack yet by doing so, the the impact from the attack sent him reeling with one of the two men into a stone wall. The elder swordsman was able to shelter Gallagher from the sudden impact of the wall yet by doing so--the man lost his life while Gallagher rolled down the hill and ceased to move. He vaguely recalled the days after his defeat but soon was able to remember what had transpired: His mother escaped the onslaught. His father was killed in battle. Men of differing stripes were all cut down. In his confrontation with the knight, the man to his right evaded the sudden attack while Gallagher blocked it and as such, was lifted off his feet and thrown by sheer force of the colliding swords. After that he recalls nothing. Even to this day. Weeks later, after recovering, Gallagher was in the company of several people. Some German, some Irish, and then there were the two of Spanish decent. "Hey" Looking to the speaker, he saw it was a young girl. "Be sure to eat and don't eat us out of everything." Despite recovering most of his strength, he was unable to move around as he once could. "You went through a solid stone wall...what'd you think...? That you would just up and walk like nothing happened?" He shrugged. He was not much for talking as his father's death was still fresh on his mind. Not only that, but he knew not if his mother had survived. Despite knowing she ran in the opposing direction, he was still unsure. All he could do was hope. hope that she survived and that they would find each other once more. As for now, he fell back upon his father's teachings. One thing was clear: Under no circumstances, was he to give up. Even if there was no path which led hence, he was to keep fighting for what he sought. As for what he sought, he sought to merely survive the nightmare fresh upon the land.