| - Late 2015 - The idea came as a sequel to Battleground, but different, instead of being a "big" map, it's a narrow but tall and elevated map. It features three different levels of mountains with buildings as bases which can be seen on these pictures. The theme and "cyan ice" lightning is inspired by the old scrapped maps cw_battleroyale and cw_deathwish.
- The Outlands are an area of land just outside of Chima.
- File:Q2.png The Outlands are an almost entirely outdoor area, consisting primarily of rough natural terrain - a large river and the cliffs alongside it, along with several small caves. Numerous Strogg guards patrol the area and seem determined to offer heavy resistance to anyone who tries to approach the Palace. Somewhere in the area is a fuel pod, which is an attractive target for aerial bombardment, but only if an airstrike marker is placed near it.
- The OUTLANDS are a mysterious region not known by most. Its filled with wrecks of submarins and boats. The only trace of civilisation is a long train tarck streching for miles.
- The Outlands is an unknown area of Skylands in Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure. It is where Kaos was banished to when he attempted to destroy the Core of Light prior to the events of Spyro's Adventure, and it is also where Hektore originated from. It is also where the console game level, Kaos's lair takes place. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by editing this page for Spyro.
- The Outlands are vast wastelands in the Tron system that are located outside the boundaries of the Grid. They have craggy, treacherous terrain full of sheer rock walls and deep ravines. According to Quorra, very few programs venture into the Outlands, save for those few desperate enough to escape Clu's grasp. Kevin Flynn fled into the Outlands after Clu's betrayal in 1989 and established a home there. An ISO faction also established the Bostrum Colony in the Outlands.
- "Outlands" is the ninth song by Daft Punk from the album Tron: Legacy Soundtrack. Its length is 2:42.
- The Outlands were a region on the planet Athos outside its nine designated districts, a haven for exiles from mainstream Athosian society.
- The Outlands are the trenches the cliff and big guns of the battle field. There are bombing raids going on every where and Strogg are swarming like ants to protect their home. Bitterman calls an airstrike to destroy a fuel pod on his way to kill the Makron. There are waters with barracuda sharks. It is the most unwanted place to be in the battle field.
- The outlands, as they were referred to by Klingons, were the neutral territory between the Federation colonies and the Klingon colonies located on Sherman's Planet. As the outlands were neutral territory, tensions could sometimes erupt when Klingon scouts or Federation colonists could be found in this no man's land. In fact, both sides would often accuse the other of espionage if discovered in the outlands. (Myriad Universes novel: Honor in the Night)
- <default>Outlands</default> Type ID Level Location Sub-Areas Leader Inhabitants Factions Cults Exits Appearances The Outlands is a place of true neutrality sitting in the center of the Outer Planes. It is very different from the other planes, that are perpetually pulled towards one extreme of alignment or the other.
- As time progressed, more residents moved into the Outlands, but not for combat; rather, they simply wanted to live in peace. So, on 4/18/03, due to demand, the Outlands were transformed to non-combat and Jessie was broken up and sold off to residents. The Outlands wall was moved from the middle of Clyde (running north to south) to the far north side of Jessie (running east to west). This effectively ended the Outlands' existence.
- Outlands är en plats på planeten Longinus. Nedanför klippan där kupolen står Outlands börjar. De sträcker sig över hundratals miles av berg, slätter och dalar och har varit värd för dussintals bosättningar under Longinus bebodda historia. Alla passagerare ofta han Outlands är människor som har kommit till planeten för strid och några Jaffa som upprätthåller ordning vanligtvis så diskret som möjligt. Jaffa som och arbetar i den observerade kupolen ser på sina bröder under som mindre varelser och skulle förfärade vid tanken på avgående deras relativa lyx och komfort för brutalitet Outland liv. Jaffa själva deltar sällan i kampen: även som ett krigsspel trycket av alltför många "riktiga" soldater skulle göra de besökande Systemherrarna extremt nervös.
- Outlands is a place on the planet Longinus. Below the cliff where the dome stands Outlands begins. They extend over hundreds of miles of mountains, plains and valleys and has hosted dozens of settlements in the occupied Longinus history. All passengers often he Outlands is people who have come to the planet battle and some Jaffa that maintains order usually as discreet as possible. Jaffa and work in the observation dome looks at his brothers in which smaller creatures and would horrified at the thought of leaving their relative luxury and comfort for brutality Outland life. Jaffa themselves rarely participate in the fight: even as a wargame pressure of too many "real" soldiers would do the visiting System Lords extremely nervous.
- Once beyond the main nations' areas, and for the most part outside the main continents, there are regions of land known as the 'Outlands'. These areas are occupied by a variety of races, and adventurers are common in most, although not necessarily welcome. which start in these areas are classified as being Outland quests, and the Reputation earned from them may well be credited to some unexpected places. Some examples of Outlands areas are: Lists of which start in these areas can be found under .
- Long ago, when animals harnessed Chi for the first time, some didn't want to use it. Those animals who did use Chi gradually became smarter, more advanced, and more capable. Those who didn't remained in the same, walking on all fours, and unevolved from their natural state. These animals went to the Outlands never to be seen again. Legend says that when Chima needs them most, the Legend Beasts will return. Later, Reagull is banished into the Outlands by Laval and Cragger for giving them fake Chi.