Nara (奈良市) was a young human who was the lover of the Great Dragon Demon, as well as being Haruda's mother. She was a legendary swordsman who watched as her lover died at the hands of the Great Dog Demon. She went into hiding and her current location is unknown.
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| - Η ονομασία " " σχετίζεται ετυμολογικά με την λέξη "[[ ]]".
- Nara (奈良市) was a young human who was the lover of the Great Dragon Demon, as well as being Haruda's mother. She was a legendary swordsman who watched as her lover died at the hands of the Great Dog Demon. She went into hiding and her current location is unknown.
- The once-capital is now known for both its history and for its ancient temples, shrines and ruins.
- Nara is a minor character in the 1974 James Bond film The Man with the Golden Gun. She was portrayed by Qiu Yuen.
- Nara is an NPC.
- Nara was the second Weyrwoman of Fort. She succeeded Sorka after the death of Sean Connel, when Faranth failed to rise again. She considerd Sorka to be like a mother to her, and mourned her passing as much as Sorka's own children did. Her Weyrmate was D'mal. She was Weyrwoman when the Pass ended.
- Nara är en kvinnlig Orörda från planeten P3X-797. Hon är hustru till Tuplo och mamma till Melosha. Hon blev smittad av Touch och förvisades till Mörkrets Land. Hon blev sedan botat tillsammans med resten av Berörda. (RPG: "Stargate SG-1: Fantastic Frontiers: Stargate Season One") (SG1: "The Broca Divide") kategori:Nämnd endast SG-1 karaktär kategori:Berörda kategori:Orörda
- Hair color: White, spikey, with a long bang that splits at it's nose Headgear: Headphones Eye color: White or gray Headphones: Blue-gray headset with blue light Dress: Gray leotard, white collared jacket with slits in the shoulders, black single suspenders, dark gray shorts, black and gray tights/leggings, gray and white boots with control panel, black arm legnth gloves with control panel. Nationality/Race: American/Japanese, robot Favorite phrase: 私がする必要がありますか?-Watashi ga suru hitsuyō ga arimasu ka?- Do I have to? NARA is designed for the Japanese language only.
- Nara is an agent who occasionally visits Tirsaer and Ryni, usually for no other reason than to annoy them. She is written by Adagio. An apparently indestructible shape-shifter, Nara has a few strange quirks of habit, including usually wearing the shape of whoever happens to be closest at the time. Combined with an unfortunate tendency to wander off at inopportune times without notice, it's understandable why Nara has a difficult time keeping partners, despite the rather useful ability to lure in Mary Sues by taking the shape of their Lust Objects.
- Nara (jap. 奈良市) ist eine Stadt in der gleichnamigen Präfektur Nara in Japan mit rund 371.400 Einwohnern (2007). Der Fahrradkomponentenhersteller Sugino hat in Nara seinen Firmensitz.
- Queen Nara was the wife of King Rennek IV of Talak and the mother of Melicard I. She died in Melicard's youth.
- Nara was a Canopian Starfleet officer who served as an engineer in the late 24th century.
- Nafra is a Bosmer member of the Vinedusk Rangers found in Dread Vullain in Greenshade. She has been sent to investigate recent sightings of the Shade of Naemon in the area.
- Lieutenant junior grade Nara was a nacelle control room supervisor aboard the USS Enterprise-D in 2370. Lieutenant j.g. Daniel Kwan was serving under her when Kwan committed suicide. Prior to his death, she feared he was interested in her job, something the half-Napean empath sensed. She was interviewed during the investigation of the suicide, and stated that Kwan was having no trouble with his duties and seemed happy at his work. He did not confide in her that anything was troubling him. (TNG: "Eye of the Beholder" )
- Nara is a metallic green-black stone 30 times the density of steel and the hardest of all D'ni stones.. Nara is created by dumping excavated rock into a huge machine (a fusion-compounder) that reconstitutes its matter, reforging its atomic links to reduce its volume by 200. The first step in the development of Nara was in 4826, when a "non paying" member of the Guild of Stone Masons headed the effort to devise early fusion-compounding technology. This article is a Stub. You can help D'ni by expanding it.
- thumb|Nara (2370) Lieutenant Junior Grade Nara ist ein Offizier der Sternenflotte und dient an Bord der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) unter dem Kommando von Captain Jean-Luc Picard. 2370 arbeitet sie im Warpgondel-Kontrollraum mit Lieutenant Junior Grade Daniel Kwan zusammen. Unerwartet aktiviert Kwan das Plasmalüftungssystem der Warpgondel und will in den Plasmastrahl der Gondel springen. Worf und Nara versuchen den Plasmastrahl zu deaktivieren, während William T. Riker versucht Kwan davor zu bewahren in den Plasmastrahl zu springen. Doch Riker kann es nicht verhindern, dass Kwan Selbstmord begeht. Später untersucht Deanna Troi Kwans Selbstmord und unterhält sich mit Nara, ob sie in letzter Zeit Auffälligkeiten an Kwan bemerkt hat. Doch Nara erwähnt, dass Kwan sich bis zu seinem Selbstmord
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