Toonime is a Japanese-American adult animated television series created by Aleks J. Hudock and produced at Back Hand Animation Studios, a division of The Back Hand Cola Company, for the Fox Broadcasting Company. The series was inspired by differences between American and Japanese styles of animation and is portrayed in a more parodical, comedic manner otherwise including serious topics involving fantasy and science fiction. Set in the fictional city of the same name where cartoon and anime characters live in a non-segregated timeline, Toonime centers on the adventures of the show's main characters Ditzy Dawg, a foul-mouthed, sarcastic, cowardly, cross-dimensional, yet otherwise loyal and good-hearted cartoon dog, and Mika Yotoneko, a jolly, carefree, immature, adorable, playfully mischievo
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| - Toonime is a Japanese-American adult animated television series created by Aleks J. Hudock and produced at Back Hand Animation Studios, a division of The Back Hand Cola Company, for the Fox Broadcasting Company. The series was inspired by differences between American and Japanese styles of animation and is portrayed in a more parodical, comedic manner otherwise including serious topics involving fantasy and science fiction. Set in the fictional city of the same name where cartoon and anime characters live in a non-segregated timeline, Toonime centers on the adventures of the show's main characters Ditzy Dawg, a foul-mouthed, sarcastic, cowardly, cross-dimensional, yet otherwise loyal and good-hearted cartoon dog, and Mika Yotoneko, a jolly, carefree, immature, adorable, playfully mischievo
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Running Time
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| - Conrad Vernon, Jenny Slate, Frank Welker, Brian Posehn, Stephanie Sheh, Colleen Clinkenbeard, Rebecca Shoichet, Jim Cummings, Will Arnett, Seth MacFarlane, Johnny Yong Bosch, Max Gilardi, Gilbert Gottfried, Paul Reubens
| - Adult animation, adventure, black comedy, comedy-drama, cringe comedy, fantasy, musical comedy, observational comedy, parody, satire, science fiction
Original channel
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Opening Theme
| - "Welcome to Toonime"
composed by The Back Hand Cola Company
Created by
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Original Air Date
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Produced by
| - Back Hand Animation Studios
20th Century Fox Animation
Country of origin
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Number of Episodes
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Directed By
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| - Back Hand Animation Studios
Baltimore, MD
| - Toonime is a Japanese-American adult animated television series created by Aleks J. Hudock and produced at Back Hand Animation Studios, a division of The Back Hand Cola Company, for the Fox Broadcasting Company. The series was inspired by differences between American and Japanese styles of animation and is portrayed in a more parodical, comedic manner otherwise including serious topics involving fantasy and science fiction. Set in the fictional city of the same name where cartoon and anime characters live in a non-segregated timeline, Toonime centers on the adventures of the show's main characters Ditzy Dawg, a foul-mouthed, sarcastic, cowardly, cross-dimensional, yet otherwise loyal and good-hearted cartoon dog, and Mika Yotoneko, a jolly, carefree, immature, adorable, playfully mischievous anime neko girl. Due to its carefully-timed inappropriate scenes, great scripting, comically dark narrative and farce humor, Toonime was met with positive reviews upon release and received widespread popularity mostly from Japan and the United States, as the series evolved into a media franchise during the second season. The series has released two film adaptations - Toonime: Segregation (2009) and Toonime: Corruption (2015), along with video games, merchandise and music albums.