| - Human has been having sex since the dawn of mankind, using that as a way to reproduce ourselves from ancient. For thousand of years in history, some culture even created guidebooks for sex education. Kama Sutra in India, The Perfumed Garden (الروض العاطر في نزهة الخاطر) in Arab, a book written by Philaenis in ancient Greece.... just to name a few. Even nowadays, no mater what you think/believe or anything, physical needs has always been, and will always be inseparable of mankind, unless mankind evolve into some kind of machine.
| - Human has been having sex since the dawn of mankind, using that as a way to reproduce ourselves from ancient. For thousand of years in history, some culture even created guidebooks for sex education. Kama Sutra in India, The Perfumed Garden (الروض العاطر في نزهة الخاطر) in Arab, a book written by Philaenis in ancient Greece.... just to name a few. Even nowadays, no mater what you think/believe or anything, physical needs has always been, and will always be inseparable of mankind, unless mankind evolve into some kind of machine. Yet the world keep on denying sex as simply a very basic instinct, basic need of mankind. From ancient Europe, imperial Asia to even modern world, moralists, religious groups, activist... all try to dub sex as something evil, bad, unethical.... to even as ridiculous as anti-women like some feminists in late 20th/early 21st century describe. The situation change drastically in 2030s onward, however, when the world after the Great Crisis become aware and recognize many things that were unacceptable before. With the Universal Charter signed in around 2039, all kinds of rights of mankind are guaranteed, including physical needs, freedom of expression and freedom of choice.... One of the direct results of the Charter is that a whole lot of nations on Earth, under pressure from progressive forces, have to abolish a lot of bills (Japan might be the one suffer the most, with more than 2/3 of its law system) and have to officially recognize Sex Industry as simply another industry, in which participated women decide to use their bodies for living, with one condition: The government will interfere and, under supervising from in/out-side of the industry and people, carefully and deliberately regulate a vast army of prostitutes, strippers......