| - Karma (Sanskrit: कर्मन karman, Pāli: कम्म Kamma), (Traditional Chinese:因果) ,(Burmese (ဗမာ):ကမၼ) means "action" or "doing"; whatever one does, says, or thinks is a karma. In Buddhism, the term karma is used specifically for those actions which spring from :
* mental intent (Pali: cetana)
* mental afflictions
| - Karma (Sanskrit: कर्मन karman, Pāli: कम्म Kamma), (Traditional Chinese:因果) ,(Burmese (ဗမာ):ကမၼ) means "action" or "doing"; whatever one does, says, or thinks is a karma. In Buddhism, the term karma is used specifically for those actions which spring from :
* mental intent (Pali: cetana)
* mental afflictions These bring about a fruit (Sanskrit, Pali: phala) or result (vipāka), either within the present life, or in the context of a future rebirth. Other Indian religions have different views on karma. Karma is the engine which drives the wheel of the cycle of uncontrolled rebirth (saṃsāra) for each being.