Thule is the name of planets in multiple works of science fiction as well as a fictional country in another. Designating a land in the far north of Europe and in antiquity often considered an island, modern interpretations of what was meant by Thule often identify it as Norway. The name is also spelled Thula, Thila, or Thyïlea in classical European literature and maps.
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- Thule
- Thule
- Thule
- Thule
| - center|thumb|450px|Reconstrução do mapa-múndi de Eratóstenes (200 a.C.) indicando Thule a nordeste das Ilhas Britânicas Thule (do grego Θούλη, Thoulē) é uma ilha ou região identificada pelos geógrafos clássicos como a mais setentrional das terras conhecidas. Também são encontradas, em textos e mapas medievais e do início da Idade Moderna, as grafias Thile, Tile, Tilla, Toolee e Tylen.
- right|Thules logo. Thule Var et mattransportørselskap grunnlagt av Devel Fenling i 2301. Selskapet har sine hovedbase i Sverige; Thule Quarter.
- Esta micronación ya no existe, visita República Social Roteña Thule es un microestado situado en Islandia de 3.041 km2 de extensión y con una densidad de población de 0,8 hab/km2. Un 95% de la población se localiza en los núcleos urbanos de Thulépolis y Tylépolis, y el resto en las antiguas poblaciones islandesas de Brunnhólskirkja y Bjarnanes.
- Thule était un membre de Starfleet au 23ème siècle.
- Thule is the name of planets in multiple works of science fiction as well as a fictional country in another. Designating a land in the far north of Europe and in antiquity often considered an island, modern interpretations of what was meant by Thule often identify it as Norway. The name is also spelled Thula, Thila, or Thyïlea in classical European literature and maps.
- Thule is a planet in the Eastern Outer Rim.
- Thule followed his brother into Jad Rayne's Sith Cult. His robes were similar to Jaarik's, but blue instead of crimson. His lightsaber was a light shade of red.
- [Source] Thule est une planète de la Bordure Extérieure dans le secteur Esstran, anciennement contrôlée par les Sith. Sur cette planète ce trouvait la Faucheuse noire, ce qui engendra un combat entre la Confédération des Systèmes Indépendants et la Grande Armée de la République puisque Dooku voulait la remettre en marche. Anakin Skywalker l'en empêcha et détruisit la faucheuse.
- Thule was one of the continents on the planet Sphinx in the Manticore System. (infodump)
- Thule refers to two distinct groups in the games Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Wolfenstein and Wolfenstein: The New Order; the Thule Civilisation and the Thule Society.
- Technician First Class Thule was a male Human Starfleet enlisted crewmember in the 23rd century. He served aboard the USS Enterprise in 2267 under the command of Captain James T. Kirk, during a historic five-year mission that starship undertook. In 2267, Thule was among numerous crewmembers who were trapped on the Enterprise's bridge when Khan Noonien Singh attempted to take over the ship, and was recommended a commendation by the captain for his service. (TOS: "Space Seed" ) Thule was played by an unknown performer.
- One of the most prominent families of the pantheon, whose patron is Cazic Thule.
- Thule was the home of an Empire which a marauding Sphinx reigned over until it was overthrown by the Gallifreyan hero Prydonius. (PROSE: Cat's Cradle: Time's Crucible)
- Thule era un planeta semi-árido conocido por sus ricas sabanas, continuamente bombardeado por tormentas eléctricas, y era también una antigua fortaleza Sith. Las salientes rocosas que brotaban de las planicies estaban oscurecidas de tantos rayos que les caían. Esta roca chamuscada después servía como alimento para inusuales musgos luminiscentes que hacía que las rocas brillaran con innatural luz.
- During World War II, Nazi scientists conducted extensive experiments. What Thule believed to be possibly a "specific combination of certain minds, that could only have been gathered under the Nazi regime" created the Darkdoor, an interface with the Schwarzraum. The New York Police Department (NYPD) found the body of David - a homeless teen who hadn't been seen in weeks after taking off with friends - impaled on a black lance lodged in a building in downtown Manhattan. A few feet away they found an "Eye of Force" medallion (A Swastika with an eye in the center).
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| - *Imperio Sith
*Nuevo Imperio Sith
*Confederación de Sistemas Independientes
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| - *Humans
*Formerly: Sith
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| - Planicies y colinas rocosas
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| - *Básico Galáctico Estándar
*Anteriormente: idioma Sith
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| - *Humanos
*Anteriormente: sith
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| - Azul: Thulépolis; Verde: Tylépolis; Rojo: zonas de influencia en Islandia
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