| - Mark Jorgenson, Jr. is the son of Mark Jorgenson, Sr., and heir to the Jorgenson financial empire. Mark, Jr. (according to his father) was "sensitive", like his late mother, and rebelled whenever Mark Sr. tried to mold his son into a Jorgenson man; tough and strong. Because Mark, Jr. felt he was a failure in his father's eyes, he turned to drugs to kill his pain. He also grew close to Mary McDermott, his father's latest girlfriend, who covered his drug use and his father's drug dealings. Mark, Jr. was arrested during a drug sweep (his second offense) and his father's lawyers got him out, later Mark, Sr. wanted his son to attend drug rehab in exchange for a suspended sentence, but Mark, Jr. refused. Mark, Jr. also played polo with his father, which he had difficulty doing with his addiction
| - Mark Jorgenson, Jr. is the son of Mark Jorgenson, Sr., and heir to the Jorgenson financial empire. Mark, Jr. (according to his father) was "sensitive", like his late mother, and rebelled whenever Mark Sr. tried to mold his son into a Jorgenson man; tough and strong. Because Mark, Jr. felt he was a failure in his father's eyes, he turned to drugs to kill his pain. He also grew close to Mary McDermott, his father's latest girlfriend, who covered his drug use and his father's drug dealings. Mark, Jr. was arrested during a drug sweep (his second offense) and his father's lawyers got him out, later Mark, Sr. wanted his son to attend drug rehab in exchange for a suspended sentence, but Mark, Jr. refused. Mark, Jr. also played polo with his father, which he had difficulty doing with his addiction. After Mary was arrested for drug dealing, Mark, Sr. refused to help her, sending Mark Jr. instead, but due to his fear Mary would bring his empire down, Mark, Sr. had Mary killed, and Mark, Jr. was finally forced to see the truth about his father, but during a father-and-son talk, Mark, Sr. admitted his true feelings about his son, which Mark Jr had been longing to hear for years, when Mark Sr. admitted to having Mary killed, Mark, Jr. ripped open his shirt to reveal a wire the police had planted, and Mark, Sr. was arrested for murder. After his father's arrest, Mark, Jr. ran off, last seen getting a ride out of Miami.