"The Silent Assassin" Koji Kojima is a solid Super Junior style wrestler, who is best known as being the owner of World Level Wrestling. Prior to setting up WLW in 2000, he had worked for just about every other promotion in the country, but had never really gotten anywhere above midcard level. This is probably because while talented, he is not as spectacular or flashy as many other junior wrestlers, instead having consistency and a strong work ethic as his selling points.
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| - "The Silent Assassin" Koji Kojima is a solid Super Junior style wrestler, who is best known as being the owner of World Level Wrestling. Prior to setting up WLW in 2000, he had worked for just about every other promotion in the country, but had never really gotten anywhere above midcard level. This is probably because while talented, he is not as spectacular or flashy as many other junior wrestlers, instead having consistency and a strong work ethic as his selling points.
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| - "The Silent Assassin" Koji Kojima is a solid Super Junior style wrestler, who is best known as being the owner of World Level Wrestling. Prior to setting up WLW in 2000, he had worked for just about every other promotion in the country, but had never really gotten anywhere above midcard level. This is probably because while talented, he is not as spectacular or flashy as many other junior wrestlers, instead having consistency and a strong work ethic as his selling points. He has become one of the cornerstones of World Level Wrestling over the years, along with Awesome Thunder and The Great Hisato, producing great matches. His tag team with Haru Kurofuji is one of the companies most decorated tandems, and has helped develop the tag division.