| - 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Header | valign="top" |
* [[../Perry (beverage)/]]
* [[../Perryville/]]
* [[../Persepolis/]]
* [[../Perseus (mythology)/]]
* [[../Perseus (astronomy)/]]
* [[../Perseus of Macedonia/]]
* [[../Pershore/]]
* [[../Persia/]]
* [[../Persigny, Jean Gilbert Victor Fialin, Duc de /]]
* [[../Persimmon/]]
* [[../Persis/]]
* [[../Persius/]]
* [[../Person, Offences against the/]]
* [[../Personality/]]
* [[../Personal Property/]]
* [[../Personation/]]
* [[../Perspective/]]
* [[../Perspiration/]]
* [[../Pertab Singh/]]
* [[../Perth, Earls and Dukes of/]]
* [[../Perth (Australia)/]]
* [[../Perth (Scotland)/]]
* [[../Perth Amboy/]]
* [[../Perthes, Friedrich Christoph/]]
* [[../Perthes, Johan Georg Justus/]] | valign="top" |
* [[../Perthshire/]]
* [[../Pertinax, Publius Helvius/]]
* [[../Pertz, Georg Heinrich/]]
* [[../Peru/]]
* [[../Peru (Illinois)/]]
* [[../Peru (Indiana)/]]
* [[../Perugia/]]
* [[../Perugino, Pietro/]]
* [[../Peruke/]]
* [[../Pesaro/]]
* [[../Pescadores/]]
* [[../Pescara, Fernando Francesco Davalos, Marquis of/|Pescara, Fernando ..., Marquis of]]
* [[../Pescara/]]
* [[../Peschiera Sul Garda/]]
* [[../Pescia/]]
* [[../Peseta/]]
* [[../Peshawar/]]
* [[../Peshin/]]
* [[../Peshitto/]]
* [[../Peshwa/]]
* [[../Pessimism/]]
* [[../Pessinus/]]
* [[../Pestalozzi, Johann Heinrich/]]
* [[../Petalite/]]
* [[../Petard/]] | valign="top" |
* [[../Petau, Denys/]]
* [[../Petchenegs/]]
* [[../Peter/]]
* [[../Peter, St/]]
* [[../Peter I. of Russia/]]
* [[../Peter II. of Russia/]]
* [[../Peter III. of Russia/]]
* [[../Peter (Spanish kings)/]]
* [[../Peter des Roches/]]
* [[../Peter Lombard/]]
* [[../Peter of Aigueblanche/]]
* [[../Peter of Blois/]]
* [[../Peter of Courtenay/]]
* [[../Peter of Duisburg/]]
* [[../Peter of Maricourt/]]
* [[../Peter of Savoy/]]
* [[../Peter the Hermit/]]
* [[../Peter the Wild Boy/]]
* [[../Peter, Epistles of/]]
* [[../Peterborough (Ontario)/]]
* [[../Peterborough (England)/]]
* [[../Peterborough and Monmouth, Charles Mordaunt, Earl of/|Peterborough & Monmouth, Chas. Mordaunt, Earl of ]]
* [[../Peterhead/]]
* [[../Peterhof/]]
* [[../Petermann, August Heinrich/]] | valign="top" |
* [[../Peters, Hugh/]]
* [[../Peters, Karl/]]
* [[../Petersburg/]]
* [[../Petersfield/]]
* [[../Peter's Pence/]]
* [[../Peterwardein/]]
* [[../Petherick, John/]]
* [[../Pétion de Villeneuve, Jerôme/]]
* [[../Pétis de la Croix, François/]]
* [[../Petit, Sir Dinshaw Maneckji/]]
* [[../Petit de Julleville, Louis/]]
* [[../Petition/]]
* [[../Petitio Principii/]]
* [[../Petitot, Jean/]]
* [[../Petitot, Jean Louis/]]
* [[../Petits-Chevaux/]]
* [[../Peto, Sir Samuel Morton/]]
* [[../Petŏfi, Alexander/]]
* [[../Petoskey/]]
* [[../Petra/]]
* [[../Petrarch/]]
* [[../Petre, Sir Edward/]]
* [[../Petre, Sir William/]]
* [[../Petrel/]]
* [[../Petrie, George/]] |}
* 15px|Colabora en Wikisource. Wikisource contiene el original de o sobre 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Vol 21:4. En el cual se ha basado este artículo.