| - RS3 or more formally Runescape: Rise of the Colonies Build 34.12.92, is an action-adventure 3rd person massive multiplayer online role playing game developed by Bungie LLC and Jagex Ltd. ROTC began as a private server managed by former Jagex Employee James Fleyton, who experimented with tools meant for the scrapped MMORPG 'Project: Raven' which was his main project at Jagex. ROTC's private beta began on July 7, 2011, only one year after publisher, Activision signed a 10 year deal with Jagex to create the first successful Multi-Console MMO. Activision also requested the assistance of the veteran developers at Bungie LLC, whom had much experience with medieval RPG's in the company's infancy. RuneScape: Rise of the Colonies began development soon after. Rise of the Colonies, codenamed PROJECT: COLONISER, named after small-time YouYube star 'Coloniser' began internal beta testing on March 11, 2011 after the legal struggle with Microsoft came to a satisfying agreement for all sides.