| - Prerequisite: 21st level, any divine class By the favor of the gods, you transcend mortality and join the angelic hosts. Your mortal flesh and blood are transformed into immortal substance; even though you still have your mortal appearance, your spirit shines inside your perfected body like a blazing fire in a crystal vessel. As an angel, you no longer age, and all the infirmities of mortality fall away. In time you learn to assume more and more of the appearance and powers of angels. You are closely bound to the god who raised you up. You can continue to pursue the quests and goals of your mortal life, but from time to time your deity summons you to specific missions or dispatches you on important errands, and you are expected to answer any such call. Because you were once mortal, you can resume your mortal appearance whenever you wish, hiding your immortal nature. This attribute makes you a valuable servant, since you can go where other angels cannot; exalted angels often serve as spies or advise mortals on important matters without ever revealing their true nature. Immortality Even saints and other elevated souls know the bitterness of death, but you are spared that fate. From the moment of your ascension, you are immortal. For a time you walk the world, an agent of whatever cause your deity holds dear. But eventually you are called away to serve your patron in the astral dominions, leaving the affairs of your mortal life behind.