I imagined zefir would live on levitating islands called "aeries," the largest of which was "Gaeaviel."
I don't remember this piece specifically, but it appears to be a concept for the playable AC2 zefir by Cyril van der Haegen:
None that I recall. I tended to treat wisps as naturally occurring "energy golems."
The zefir were briefly considered as a player race in AC2. I think that was Chris Foster's idea, but it's possible he was just the one who told me about it. That idea got binned before any significant work went into developing them. The zefir in AC1 would have been considered juveniles, and the playable versions roughly the same size as humans. They would have focused on magic and mobility, and filled an "elf" role in opposition to the "dwarven" Lugians.
Wisps and Zefirs are two types of creatures that have been in the game since the beginning, but have never had any backstory. Was there ever any lore written for them?