| - Think about it. He stars his own game, yes, but is pulled into Ivalice in FFT, appears in Kingdom Hearts, and somehow knows about the existence of the Xenogears... he mumbles about it in Mideel, while being bound to a chairwheel...
* Not to mention he appeared in Ehrgeiz and Chocobo Racing, has a shop in FF 8 (Theres a text only shop called Cloud's Shop in Eshtar) and Zidane mentions him in FF 9 if you look at the Buster Sword in a weapons shop.
* Not to mention he appears to have a had a sexchange and shows up as the main protagonist of FFXIII.
* Nah, it's Gilgamesh. Then again, Gilgamesh didn't appear in VII...Could Cloud and Gilgamesh be one-in-the-same?! Or in cahoots?!
* Couldn't be, as Gilgamesh wields Cloud's sword in XII, but it is clearly only a replica (if you read the kanji).
* But, it could, as he marked Zack's grave with the sword, so he needs a replica.